Endure, Psalms 90, Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:8, Luke 9:43-45, Pope Francis's Daily Catechesis, Saint Cosmas and Damian, Santi Cosma e Damiano Basilica, Lastovo, Croatia, Catholic Catechism Part Three: Life in Christ Section Two: The Ten Commandment Chapter Two: Eighth Commandment Article 8:6 Truth, Beauty and Sacred Art and In Brief, Recharge Heaven Speaks to Young Adults
The world begins and ends everyday for someone. We are all human. We all experience birth, life and death. We all have
flaws but we also all have the gift of knowledge, reason and free will,
make the most of these gifts. Life on earth is a stepping stone to our eternal home in
Heaven. The Seven Gifts of
the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, wonder and awe (fear of the
Lord) , counsel, knowledge, fortitude, and piety (reverence) and shun
the seven Deadly sins: wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and
gluttony...Its your choice whether to embrace the Gifts of the Holy Spirit rising towards eternal light or succumb to the Seven deadly sins and lost to
eternal darkness. Material items, though needed for sustenance and
survival on earth are of earthly value only. The only thing that passes
from this earth to the Darkness, Purgatory or Heaven is our Soul...it's God's perpetual
gift to us...Embrace it, treasure it, nurture it, protect it...~ Zarya Parx 2013
"Raise not a hand to another unless it is to offer in peace and goodwill." ~ Zarya Parx 2012
Prayers for Today: Saturday in Ordinary Time
Rosary - Joyful Mysteries
Papam Franciscus
(Pope Francis)
(2014-09-27 Vatican Radio)
A Christian cannot understand Christ the Redeemer without the Cross, without being ready to bear the Cross with Jesus. That was Pope Francis’ message at Friday’s morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta.
To be a Christian means to be a “Cyrene” [like Simon of Cyrene - ed.]. Having the faith consists in this: You belong to Jesus if you bear the weight of the Cross with Him. Otherwise you are going along a path that seems “good” – but is not “true.” The basis for the Pope’s reflections was the day’s Gospel, in which Christ asks His disciples what the people are saying about Him, and receives the most disparate answers. This episode, the Pope noted, takes place in the context of the Gospel that sees Jesus guarding “in a special manner His true identity.” On several occasions, when someone came close to divulging His identity, “He stopped them,” just as many times He prevented the demons from revealing His nature as the “Son of God,” Who had come for the salvation of the world. This, the Poe explained, was because the people misunderstood and thought of the Messiah as a military leader who would expel the Romans. It was only privately, to the Twelve, that Jesus “began to do the catechesis on His true identity”:
“‘The Son of Man, that is, the Messiah, the Anointed must suffer greatly, must be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised.’ This is the path of your liberation. This is the path of the Messiah, of the Just One: the Passion, the Cross. And He explains His identity to them. They don’t want to understand; and in the passage from Matthew, one sees how Peter refuses this: ‘No! No, Lord…’ But He begins to open up the mystery of His true identity: ‘Yes, I am the Son of God. But this is my path: I must go along this path of suffering.’”
This, Pope Francis said, is the “pedagogy” that Jesus uses “to prepare the hearts of the disciples, the hearts of the people, to understand this mystery of God”:
“Sin is so ugly, but God’s love is so great that He saves us in this way: with this identity in the Cross. You can’t understand Jesus Christ the Redeemer without the Cross: you can’t understand! We can come to believe that he is a great prophet, he does good things, he’s a saint. But without the Cross you can’t understand Christ the Redeemer. The hearts of the disciples, the hearts of the people were not prepared to understand it. They didn’t understand the Prophecies, they didn’t understand that He Himself was the Lamb for the sacrifice. They were not prepared.”
It is only on Palm Sunday, the Pope noted, that Christ allowed the crowds to proclaim, “more or less,” His identity, when they cried out “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” And this, Pope Francis said, was because “if the people did not cry out, the stones would have cried out.” On the other hand, it is only after His death that the identity of Jesus appears in its fullness; the “first confession” came from the Roman centurion, the Pope noted. He concluded: “Step by step [Jesus] prepares us so that we can understand better. He prepares us to accompany Him with our crosses, along His path to Redemption”:
“He prepares us to be ‘Cyrenes’ to help Him bear the Cross. And our Christian life without this is not Christian. It is a spiritual life, good… ‘Jesus is the great prophet, and He has saved us. But He and I, no… No, you with Him! Taking the same path. Still our identity as Christians must be guarded, not believing that being Christian is a merit; it is a spiritual path of perfection. It is not a merit, it is pure grace.”
Reference: Vatican News. From the Pope. © Copyright 2014 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Accessed 09/27/2014
Liturgical Celebrations to be presided over by Pope: 2015
Vatican City, spring 2014 (VIS)
The following is the English text of the intentions –
both universal and for evangelization – that, as is customary, the Pope
entrusted to the Apostleship of Prayer for 2015.
Universal: That those from diverse religious traditions
and all people of good will work together for peace.
Evangelization: That in this year
dedicated to consecrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the joy
of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal.
Universal: That prisoners, especially the young, may be
able to rebuild lives of dignity.
Evangelization: That married people who are separated may
find welcome and support in the Christian community.
Universal: That those involved in
scientific research may serve the well-being of the whole human person.
Evangelization: That the unique
contribution of women to the life of the Church may be recognized always.
Universal: That people may learn to respect creation and
care for it as a gift of God.
Evangelization: That persecuted
Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity
of all the Church.
Universal: That, rejecting the culture of indifference,
we may care for our neighbours who suffer, especially the sick and the poor.
Evangelization: That Mary’s
intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be ready to proclaim
Universal: That immigrants and refugees may find welcome
and respect in the countries to which they come.
Evangelization: That the personal
encounter with Jesus may arouse in many young people the desire to offer their
own lives in priesthood or consecrated life.
Universal: That political responsibility may be lived at
all levels as a high form of charity.
Evangelization: That, amid social
inequalities, Latin American Christians may bear witness to love for the poor
and contribute to a more fraternal society.
Universal: That volunteers may
give themselves generously to the service of the needy.
Evangelization: That setting aside
our very selves we may learn to be neighbours to those who find themselves on
the margins of human life and society.
Universal: That
opportunities for education and employment may increase for all young people.
Evangelization: That catechists may
give witness by living in a way consistent with the faith they proclaim.
Universal: That human trafficking, the modern form of
slavery, may be eradicated.
Evangelization: That with a
missionary spirit the Christian communities of Asia may announce the Gospel to
those who are still awaiting it.
Universal: That we may be open to
personal encounter and dialogue with all, even those whose convictions differ
from our own.
Evangelization: That pastors of the
Church, with profound love for their flocks, may accompany them and enliven
their hope.
Universal: That all may experience the mercy of God, who
never tires of forgiving.
Evangelization: That families,
especially those who suffer, may find in the birth of Jesus a sign of certain
- Vatican News. From the Pope. © Copyright 2014 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Accessed 09/27/2014.
November 2, 2013 Our Lady of Medjugorje Message to the World: "Dear children; Anew, in a motherly way, I am calling you to love; to
continually pray for the gift of love; to love the Heavenly Father above
everything. When you love Him you will love yourself and your neighbor.
This cannot be separated. The Heavenly Father is in each person. He
loves each person and calls each person by his name. Therefore, my
children, through prayer hearken to the will of the Heavenly Father.
Converse with Him. Have a personal relationship with the Father which
will deepen even more your relationship as a community of my children –
of my apostles. As a mother I desire that, through the love for the
Heavenly Father, you may be raised above earthly vanities and may help
others to gradually come to know and come closer to the Heavenly Father.
My children, pray, pray, pray for the gift of love because 'love' is my
Son. Pray for your shepherds that they may always have love for you as
my Son had and showed by giving His life for your salvation. Thank you."
October 25, 2013 Our Lady of Medjugorje Message to the World: “Dear children! Today I call you to open yourselves to prayer. Prayer works miracles in you and through you. Therefore, little children, in the simplicity of heart seek of the Most High to give you the strength to be God’s children and for Satan not to shake you like the wind shakes the branches. Little children, decide for God anew and seek only His will – and then you will find joy and peace in Him. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
October 2, 2013 Our Lady of Medjugorje Message to the World: "Dear children, I love you with a motherly love and with a motherly patience I wait for your love and unity. I pray that you may be a community of God’s children, of my children. I pray that as a community you may joyfully come back to life in the faith and in the love of my Son. My children, I am gathering you as my apostles and am teaching you how to bring others to come to know the love of my Son; how to bring to them the Good News, which is my Son. Give me your open, purified hearts and I will fill them with the love for my Son. His love will give meaning to your life and I will walk with you. I will be with you until the meeting with the Heavenly Father. My children, it is those who walk towards the Heavenly Father with love and faith who will be saved. Do not be afraid, I am with you. Put your trust in your shepherds as my Son trusted when he chose them, and pray that they may have the strength and the love to lead you. Thank you." - See more at: http://litanylane.blogspot.com/2013/11/tuesday-november-12-2013-litany-lane.html#sthash.1QAVruYo.bk3E9rXR.dpuf
October 25, 2013 Our Lady of Medjugorje Message to the World: “Dear children! Today I call you to open yourselves to prayer. Prayer works miracles in you and through you. Therefore, little children, in the simplicity of heart seek of the Most High to give you the strength to be God’s children and for Satan not to shake you like the wind shakes the branches. Little children, decide for God anew and seek only His will – and then you will find joy and peace in Him. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
October 2, 2013 Our Lady of Medjugorje Message to the World: "Dear children, I love you with a motherly love and with a motherly patience I wait for your love and unity. I pray that you may be a community of God’s children, of my children. I pray that as a community you may joyfully come back to life in the faith and in the love of my Son. My children, I am gathering you as my apostles and am teaching you how to bring others to come to know the love of my Son; how to bring to them the Good News, which is my Son. Give me your open, purified hearts and I will fill them with the love for my Son. His love will give meaning to your life and I will walk with you. I will be with you until the meeting with the Heavenly Father. My children, it is those who walk towards the Heavenly Father with love and faith who will be saved. Do not be afraid, I am with you. Put your trust in your shepherds as my Son trusted when he chose them, and pray that they may have the strength and the love to lead you. Thank you." - See more at: http://litanylane.blogspot.com/2013/11/tuesday-november-12-2013-litany-lane.html#sthash.1QAVruYo.bk3E9rXR.dpuf
Today's Word: endure en·dure [en-doo r]
Origin: 1275-1325; Middle English enduren < Anglo-French, Old French endurer < Latin indūrāre to harden, make lasting, equivalent to in- in-2 + dūrāre to last, be or become hard, derivative of dūrus hard
1. to hold out against; sustain without impairment or yielding; undergo: to endure great financial pressures with equanimity.
2. to bear without resistance or with patience; tolerate: I cannot endure your insults any longer.
3. to admit of; allow; bear: His poetry is such that it will not endure a superficial reading.
4. to continue to exist; last: These words will endure as long as people live who love freedom.
5. to support adverse force or influence of any kind; suffer without yielding; suffer patiently: Even in the darkest ages humanity has endured.
6. to have or gain continued or lasting acknowledgment or recognition, as of worth, merit or greatness:
His plays have endured for more than three centuries.
Today's Old Testament Reading - Psalms 90:3-17
3 You bring human beings to the dust, by saying, 'Return, children of Adam.'4 A thousand years are to you like a yesterday which has passed, like a watch of the night.
5 You flood them with sleep -- in the morning they will be like growing grass:
6 in the morning it is blossoming and growing, by evening it is withered and dry.
12 Teach us to count up the days that are ours, and we shall come to the heart of wisdom.
13 Come back, Yahweh! How long must we wait? Take pity on your servants.
14 Each morning fill us with your faithful love, we shall sing and be happy all our days;
17 May the sweetness of the Lord be upon us, to confirm the work we have done!
Today's Epistle - Ecclesiastes 11:9--12:8
9 Young man, enjoy yourself while you are young, make the most of the days of your youth, follow the prompting and desire of heart and eye, but remember, God will call you to account for everything.10 Rid your heart of indignation, keep your body clear of suffering, though youth and the age of black hair are both futile.
1 Remember your Creator while you are still young, before the bad days come, before the years come which, you will say, give you no pleasure;
2 before the sun and the light grow dim and the moon and stars, before the clouds return after the rain;
3 the time when your watchmen become shaky, when strong men are bent double, when the women, one by one, quit grinding, and, as they look out of the window, find their sight growing dim.
4 When the street-door is kept shut, when the sound of grinding fades away, when the first cry of a bird wakes you up, when all the singing has stopped;
5 when going uphill is an ordeal and you are frightened at every step you take- yet the almond tree is in flower and the grasshopper is weighed down and the caper-bush loses its tang; while you are on the way to your everlasting home and the mourners are assembling in the street;
6 before the silver thread snaps, or the golden bowl is cracked, or the pitcher shattered at the fountain, or the pulley broken at the well-head:
7 the dust returns to the earth from which it came, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
8 Sheer futility, Qoheleth says, everything is futile.
Today's Gospel Reading - Luke 9:43-45
1) Opening prayer
guide us, as you guide creation
according to your law of love.
May we love one another
and come to perfection
in the eternal life prepared for us.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
guide us, as you guide creation
according to your law of love.
May we love one another
and come to perfection
in the eternal life prepared for us.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
2) Gospel Reading - Luke 9,43b-45
Everyone was awestruck by the
greatness of God. But while everyone was full of admiration for all he
did, he said to his disciples, ‘For your part, you must have these words
constantly in mind: The Son of man is going to be delivered into the
power of men.’ But they did not understand what he said; it was
hidden from them so that they should not see the meaning of it, and they
were afraid to ask him about it.
3) Reflection
• The Gospel today presents the second
announcement of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. The
disciples do not understand the words about the cross, because they are
neither capable to understand a Messiah who becomes the servant of his
brothers. They continue to dream about a glorious Messiah.
• Luke 9, 43b-44: The contrast. “Everyone was full of admiration for all he did”. Jesus said to his disciples “For your part you must have these words constantly in mind: The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the power of men”. The contrast is very big. On one side, the vibration and admiration of the people for everything that Jesus said and did. Jesus seems to correspond to all that people dream, believe and expect. On the other side, the affirmation of Jesus that he will be put to death and delivered in the hands of men, that is, the opinion of the authority on Jesus is totally contrary to the opinion of the people.
• Luke 9, 43b-44: The contrast. “Everyone was full of admiration for all he did”. Jesus said to his disciples “For your part you must have these words constantly in mind: The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the power of men”. The contrast is very big. On one side, the vibration and admiration of the people for everything that Jesus said and did. Jesus seems to correspond to all that people dream, believe and expect. On the other side, the affirmation of Jesus that he will be put to death and delivered in the hands of men, that is, the opinion of the authority on Jesus is totally contrary to the opinion of the people.
• Luke 9, 45: The announcement of the Cross. “But they did not understand what he said; for them it was so mysterious, that they did not understand the sense and were afraid to ask questions concerning this argument”. The disciples listened to him but they did not understand the words about the cross. But even in this way, they do not ask for any clarification. They are afraid to show their ignorance!
• The title Son of Man. This name appears quite frequently in the Gospels: 12 times in John, 13 in Mark, 28 in Luke, 30 in Matthew. In all, it appears 83 times in the four Gospels. This is the name which pleased Jesus the most. This title comes from the Old Testament. In the Book of Ezekiel, is indicated the very human condition of the prophet (Ez 3, 1.4.10. 17; 4, 1 etc.). In the Book of Daniel, the same title appears in the apocalyptic vision (Dn 7, 1-28), in which Daniel describes the empires of the Babylonians, of the Medes, of the Persians and of the Greeks. In the vision of the prophet, these four empires have the appearance of “monstrous animals” (cf. Dn 7, 3-8). They are animal empires which are brutal, inhuman, which persecute, dehumanize and kill (Dn 7, 21.25). In the vision of the prophet, after the anti-human kingdoms, the Kingdom of God appears which has the appearance, not of an animal, but rather of a human person, Son of Man. That is, a Kingdom with the appearance of people, a human kingdom, which promotes life, it humanizes (Dn 7, 13-14). In the prophecy of Daniel the Son of Man represents, not an individual, but rather, as he himself says, the “people of the Saints of the Most High” (Dn 7, 27; cf. Dn 7, 18). It is the People of God who do not allow themselves to be dehumanized nor deceived or manipulated by the dominating ideology of the animal empires. The Mission of the Son of Man, that is, of the People of God, consists in realizing the Kingdom of God like a human kingdom. That is, a Kingdom which promotes life, which humanizes persons.
Presenting himself as Son of Man to the disciples, Jesus makes his own this mission which is the mission of all the People of God. It is as if he would say to them and to all of us: “Come with me! This mission is not only mine, but it belongs to all of us! Let us go together to carry out the mission which God has entrusted to us, and thus realize the human and humanizing Kingdom which he dreamt!” And he did this during all his life, especially during the last three years. Pope Leo the Great said: “Jesus was so human, but so human, like only God can be human”. The more human he was, the more divine he was. The more he is “Son of Man” the more he is “Son of God!” Everything which dehumanizes persons draws away from God. That was condemned by God, who has placed the good of the human person above all the laws, above the Sabbath or Saturday (Mk 2, 27). At the moment when he was condemned to death by the religious tribunal of the Synedrium, Jesus assumes this title. When he was asked if he was “the Son of God” (Mk 14, 61), he answered that he is the “Son of Man”: “I am. And you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Almighty” (Mk 14, 62). Because of this affirmation he was declared, by the authority, guilty deserving death. He himself knew it because he had said: “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mk 10, 45).
4) Personal questions
• How do you combine in your life, suffering and faith in God?
• In the time of Jesus there was contrast: people thought and expected or hoped in a certain way; the religious authority thought and expected or hoped in a different way. Today, this same contrast exists.
• In the time of Jesus there was contrast: people thought and expected or hoped in a certain way; the religious authority thought and expected or hoped in a different way. Today, this same contrast exists.
5) Concluding Prayer
For ever, Yahweh,
your word is planted firm in heaven.
Your constancy endures from age to age;
you established the earth and it stands firm. (Ps 119,89-90)
your word is planted firm in heaven.
Your constancy endures from age to age;
you established the earth and it stands firm. (Ps 119,89-90)
Reference: Courtesy of Order of Carmelites, www.ocarm.org.
Featured Item of the Day from Litany Lane
Saint of the Day: Saints Cosmas and Damian
Cosmas and Damian miraculously transplant the black leg of the Ethiopian onto the white body of the patient. |
According to Christian traditions, Saints Cosmas and Damian (Greek: Κοσμάς και Δαμιανός) (also written Kosmas and Damianos) (died ca. 287) were twin brothers, physicians, and early Christian martyrs born in Cilicia, part of today's Turkey. They practiced their profession in the seaport of Ayas, Adana, then in the Roman province of Syria. Accepting no payment for their services led to them being named "Ανάργυροι" (Holy Unmercenaries); it has been said that, by this, they attracted many to the Christian faith[3]
According to Christian traditions, during the persecution under Diocletian, Cosmas and Damian were arrested by order of the Prefect of Cilicia, one Lysias who is otherwise unknown, who ordered them under torture
to recant. However, according to legend they stayed true to their
faith, enduring being hung on a cross, stoned and shot by arrows and
finally suffered execution by beheading.
Anthimus, Leontius and Euprepius, their younger brothers, who were
inseparable from them throughout life, shared in their martyrdom.
Their most famous miraculous exploit was the grafting of a leg from a
recently deceased Ethiopian to replace a patient's ulcered or cancerous
leg, and was the subject of many paintings and illuminations.[4][5]
The martyrdom of Saints Cosmas and Damian by Fra Angelico (Musée du Louvre, Paris).
As early as the 4th century, churches
dedicated to the twin saints were established at Jerusalem, in Egypt and
in Mesopotamia. Theodoret records the division of their reputed relics.
Their relics, deemed miraculous, were buried in the city of Cyrrus in
Syria. Churches were built in their honor by Archbishop Proclus and by
Emperor Justinian I (527–565), who sumptuously restored the city of
Cyrus and dedicated it to the twins, but brought their purported relics
to Constantinople;
there, following his cure, ascribed to the intercession of Cosmas and
Damian, Justinian, in gratitude also built and adorned their church at
Constantinople, and it became a celebrated place of pilgrimage. At Rome
Pope Felix IV (526–530) rededicated the Library of Peace (Bibliotheca Pacis)
as a basilica of Santi Cosma e Damiano in the Forum of Vespasian in
their honour. The church is much rebuilt but still famed for its
sixth-century mosaics illustrating the saints.
are said to be their skulls are venerated in the convent of the Clares
in Madrid, where they have been since 1581, the gift of Maria, daughter
of Emperor Charles V. They had previously been removed from Rome to
Bremen in the tenth century, and thence to Bamberg. Other skulls said to
be theirs were discovered in 1334 by Burchard Grelle, Archbishop of
He "personally 'miraculously' retrieved the relics of the holy
physicians Cosmas and Damian, which were allegedly immured and forgotten
in the choir of the Bremen Cathedral.[6]
In celebration of the retrieval Archbishop and Chapter arranged a feast
at Pentecost 1335, when the relics were translated from the wall to a
more dignified place.[7] Grelle claimed the relics were those Archbishop Adaldag
brought from Rome in 965. The cathedral master-builder Johann Hemeling
made a shrine for the relics, which was finished around 1420. The
shrine,made from carved oak wood covered with gilt and rolled silver is
considered an important mediaeval gold work.[8]
In 1649 Bremen's Chapter, Lutheran by this time, sold the shrine without the heads to Maximilian I of Bavaria.
The two heads remained in Bremen and came into the possession of the
small Roman Catholic community. They were shown from 1934 to 1968 in the
Church of St. Johann and in 1994 they were buried in the crypt.[9]
The shrine is now shown in the Jesuit church of St Michael in Munich.
At least since 1413 another supposed pair of skulls of the saints has
been stored in St Stephens's Cathedral in Vienna. Other relics are
claimed by the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice.
The martyr twins are invoked in the Canon of the Mass in the prayer known as the Communicantes
(from the first Latin word of the prayer): "In communion with the whole
Church, they venerate above all others the memory of the glorious
ever-virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ, then of
blessed Joseph, husband of the Virgin, your blessed Apostles and
Martyrs, Peter and Paul, Andrew, James, John, Thomas, James, Philip,
Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon and Jude: Linus, Cletus, Clement, Sixtus,
Cornelius, Cyprian, Laurence, Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas and Damian
and all your Saints: grant through their merits and prayers that in all
things we may be defended by the help of your protection." They are
also invoked in the Litany of the Saints, and in the older form of the Roman rite, in the Collect for Thursday in the Third Week of Lent, as the station church for this day is Santi Cosma e Damiano.
Their feast day in the General Roman Calendar, which had been on September 27, was moved in 1969 to September 26, because September 27 is the dies natalis ("day of birth" into Heaven) of Saint Vincent de Paul, now more widely venerated in the Latin Church,[10] but some traditionalist Catholics continue to observe the pre-1970 calendar.
Sts Cosmas and Damian are regarded as the patrons of physicians and surgeons and are sometimes represented with medical emblems.
Cosmas and Damian are depicted as supporters of the arms of the guild of barber-surgeons carved into a capital, 15th century, from the Carmes monastery in Trie-sur-Baïse in southwestern France. The inscription reads, "Saints Cosmas and Damian pray for us".
In Brazil, the twin saints are regarded as protectors of children, and September 27 is commemorated, especially in Rio de Janeiro,
by giving children bags of candy with the saints' effigy printed on
them and throughout the entire state of Bahia where Catholics and adepts
of Candomblé religion offer typical food such as carurú.
The ritual consists of first offering the food to seven children that
are no older than seven years old and then having them feast while
sitting on the floor and eating with their hands. Only after all
children have finished can the guests enjoy the food that is being
offered. The Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian, in Igarassu, Pernambuco is Brazil's oldest church, built in 1535.
In the UK St Damian is the dexter side supporter in the coat of arms of the British Dental Association.
Sts. Cosmas & Damian are venerated every year in Utica, New York
at St. Anthony's Parish during the annual pilgrimage which takes place
on the last weekend of September (close to the Sept. 27 feast day).
There are thousands of pilgrims who come to honor the saints. Over 80
busloads come from Canada and other destinations. The 2-day festival
includes music (La Banda Rosa), much Italian food, masses and
processions through the streets of East Utica. It is one of the largest
festivals honoring saints in the northeast USA.
Eastern Christianity
Icon of Saints Cosmas and Damian (17th century, Historic Museum in Sanok, Poland).
In the Eastern Orthodox Church, Eastern Catholic Churches, and the Oriental Orthodox Churches, Saints Cosmas and Damian are venerated as a type of saint known as Unmercenary Physicians (Greek: ἀνάργυροι, anargyroi, "without money").
This classification of saints is unique to the Eastern Church and
refers to those who heal purely out of love for God and man, strictly
observing the command of Jesus: "Freely have you received, freely give."
(«Δωρεὰν ἐλάβετε, δωρεὰν δότε...» Matthew 10:8) While each of the Unmercenaries have their own feast days, all are commemorated together on the first Sunday in November, in a feast known as the Synaxis of the Unmercenary Physicians.
The Orthodox celebrate no less than three different sets of saints by
the name of Cosmas and Damian, each with their own distinct feast day:
- Saints Cosmas and Damian of Cilicia (Arabia) (October 17) Brothers, according to Christian legend they were beaten and beheaded together with three other Christians: Leontius, Anthimus, and Eutropius.
- Saints Cosmas and Damian of Asia Minor — alternately, of Mesopotamia (November 1) Twin sons of Saint Theodota. Died peacefully and were buried together at Thereman in Mesopotamia.
- Saints Cosmas and Damian of Rome (July 1) Brothers, according to Christian tradition they were martyred outside Rome by a jealous pagan physician during the reign of the Roman Emperor Carinus (283–284).
Orthodox icons
of the saints depict them vested as laymen holding medicine boxes.
Often each will also hold a spoon with which to dispense medicine. The
handle of the spoon is normally shaped like a cross to indicate the
importance of spiritual as well as physical healing, and that all cures
come from God.
In Rochester, Minnesota, home of the Mayo Clinic, the Greek Orthodox Church is the Holy Anargyroi/Sts. Kosmas & Damianos Greek Orthodox Church.
- Great Synaxaristes: (Greek) Οἱ Ἅγιοι Κοσμᾶς καὶ Δαμιανός οἱ Ἀνάργυροι καὶ Θαυματουργοί. 1 Νοεμβρίου. ΜΕΓΑΣ ΣΥΝΑΞΑΡΙΣΤΗΣ.
- Wonderworker and Unmercenary Cosmas of Asia Minor. OCA - Feasts and Saints.
- Catholic Encyclopedia: "Sts. Cosmas and Damian"
- Jacobus de Voragine (1275). The GOLDEN LEGEND or LIVES of the SAINTS.
- Androutsos, G.; Diamantis, A.; Vladimiros, L. (2008). "The first leg transplant for the treatment of a cancer by Saints Cosmas and Damian". Journal of B.U.ON. : official journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology 13 (2): 297–304. PMID 18555483.
- Cf. "Bremer Chronik von Gerhard Rinesberch und Herbord Schene", In: Bremen, Hermann Meinert (ed.) on behalf of the Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Bremen: Schünemann, 1968, (Chroniken der deutschen Städte vom 14. bis ins 16. Jahrhundert; vol. 37: Die Chroniken der niedersächsischen Städte), p. 112,; Regesten der Erzbischöfe von Bremen, Joseph König and Otto Heinrich May (compilators), Hanover: Selbstverlag der Historischen Kommission, 1971, (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Hannover, Oldenburg, Braunschweig, Schaumburg-Lippe und Bremen; vol. 11,2,2), vol. 2, Lfg. 2: 1327–1344, No. 508; Joseph König, "Zur Biographie des Burchard Grelle, Erzbischof von Bremen und der Geschichte seines Pontifikats (1327–1344)", In: Stader Jahrbuch; vol. 76 (1986), p. 42; Herbert Schwarzwälder, Geschichte der Freien Hansestadt Bremen:5 vols., ext. and impr. ed., Bremen: Ed. Temmen, 1995, vol. 1: Von den Anfängen bis zur Franzosenzeit: (1810), p. 70; Alfred Löhr, "Kult und Herrschaft, Erzstift und Domkapitel", In: Der Bremer Dom. Baugeschichte, Ausgrabungen, Kunstschätze. Handbuch u. Katalog zur Sonderausstellung vom 17.6. bis 30.9.1979 im Bremer Landesmuseum - Focke-Museum -, Karl Heinz Brandt (ed.), Bremen: Bremer Landesmuseum, 1979, (Focke-Museum, Bremen. Hefte; No. 49, vielm.: 52), pp. 102seq. and 128 as well as Catalogue No. 31, Urkunden und Siegel des Erzbischofs Burchard Grelle; Bodo Heyne, "Die Arztheiligen Kosmas und Damian und der Bremer Dom", In: Hospitium Ecclesiae: Forschungen zur Bremischen Kirchengeschichte; vol. 9 (1975), pp. 7–21; Johannes Focke, "Die Heiligen Cosmas und Damian und ihr Reliquienschrein im Dom zu Bremen", In: Bremisches Jahrbuch, Bd. 17 (1895), pp. 128–161.
- "Ostern 1334 hatte Burchard persönlich im Chor des Bremer Doms die … dort angeblich eingemauerten und vergessenen Reliquien der heiligen Ärzte Cosmas und Damian auf 'wunderbare Weise' wiederaufgefunden. Erzbischof und Kapitel veranstalteten aus diesem Anlaß zu Pfingsten 1335 ein Fest, bei dem die Reliquien aus der Mauer an einen würdigeren Platz überführt wurden." Konrad Elmshäuser, "Der werdende Territorialstaat der Erzbischöfe von Bremen (1236–1511): I. Die Erzbischöfe als Landesherren", In: Geschichte des Landes zwischen Elbe und Weser: 3 parts, Hans-Eckhard Dannenberg and Heinz-Joachim Schulze (eds.) on behalf of the Landschaftsverband der ehemaligen Herzogtümer Bremen und Verden, Stade: Landschaftsverband der ehem. Herzogtümer Bremen und Verden, 1995 and 2008, (Schriftenreihe des Landschaftsverbandes der ehem. Herzogtümer Bremen und Verden; No. 7), part II: Mittelalter (1995), pp. 159–189, here p. 177. Original emphasis. Omission not in the original. ISBN 978-3-9801919-8-2
- Konrad Elmshäuser, "Der werdende Territorialstaat der Erzbischöfe von Bremen (1236–1511): I. Die Erzbischöfe als Landesherren", In: Geschichte des Landes zwischen Elbe und Weser: 3 parts, Hans-Eckhard Dannenberg and Heinz-Joachim Schulze (eds.) on behalf of the Landschaftsverband der ehemaligen Herzogtümer Bremen und Verden, Stade: Landschaftsverband der ehem. Herzogtümer Bremen und Verden, 1995 and 2008, (Schriftenreihe des Landschaftsverbandes der ehem. Herzogtümer Bremen und Verden; No. 7), Part II: Mittelalter (1995), pp. 159–189, here p. 178. ISBN 978-3-9801919-8-2
- (Wilhelm Tacke: St. Johann in Bremen - erine 600jährige Geschichte - von den Bettelbrüdern bis zu den Pröpsten, Bremen 2006, S. 172ff.)
- "Calendarium Romanum" (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1969), p. 140
Today's Snippet I: Santi Cosma e Damiano Basilica
View of the Temple of Romulus, from the Palatine Hill.
The Temple of Romulus was dedicated by Emperor Maxentius to his son Valerius Romulus, who died in 309 and was rendered divine honours. It is possible that the temple was in origin the temple of "Jupiter Stator" or the one dedicated to Penates, and that Maxentius restored it before the re-dedication.
The ancient Roman fabric was Christianized and dedicated to Sancti Cosma et Damianus in 527, when Theodoric the Great, king of the Ostrogoths, and his daughter Amalasuntha donated the library of the Forum of Peace (Bibliotheca Pacis) and a portion of the Temple of Romulus to Pope Felix IV. The pope united the two buildings to create a basilica devoted to two Greek brothers and saints, Cosmas and Damian, in contrast with the ancient pagan cult of the two brothers Castor and Pollux, who had been worshipped in the nearby Temple of Castor and Pollux. The apse was decorated with a Roman-Byzantine mosaic, representing a parousia, the Second Coming of Christ at the end of time. The bodies of Saints Mark and Marcellian were translated, perhaps in the ninth century, to this church, where they were rediscovered in 1583 during the reign of Pope Gregory XIII.
In 1632, Pope Urban VIII ordered the restoration of the basilica. The works, projected by Orazio Torriani and directed by Luigi Arrigucci, raised the floor level seven metres, bringing it equal with the Campo Vaccino, thus avoiding the infiltration of water. Also, a cloister was added. The old floor of the basilica is still visible in the lower church, which is actually the lower part of the first church.
In 1947, the restorations of the Imperial Forums gave a new structure to the church. The old entrance, through the Temple of Romulus, was closed, and the temple restored to its original forms; with the Pantheon, the Temple of Romulus is the best preserved pagan temple in Rome. A new entrance was opened on the opposite side (on via dei Fori Imperiali), whose arch gives access to the cloister, and through this to the side of the basilica.
Next to the new entrance to the complex, there are the rooms with the
original marble paving of the Forum of Peace, and the wall where the
150 marble slabs of the Forma Urbis Romae
were hung. Through the cloister, the entrance to the church opens on
the side of the single nave. The plan of the basilica followed the norms
of the Counter-Reformation:
a single nave, with three chapels per side, and the big apse, which now
looks quite oversized because of the reduction in height of the
17th-century restoration, framed by the triumphal arch, also mutilated
by that restoration.
The mosaics are masterpieces of 6th- and 7th-century art. In the middle is Christ, with Saint Peter presenting Saint Cosmas and Saint Theodorus (right), and Saint Paul presenting Saint Damian and Pope Felix IV; the latter holds a model of the church.
Lastovo (Italian: Lagosta, German: Augusta, Latin: Augusta Insula, Greek: Ladestanos, Illyrian: Ladest)
is an island municipality in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County in Croatia.
The municipality consists of 46 islands with a total population of 792 people,[3] of which 93% are ethnic Croats, and a land area of approximately 53 square kilometres (20 sq mi).[4][5] The biggest island in the municipality is also named Lastovo, as is the largest town. The majority of the population lives on the 46 square kilometres (18 sq mi) island of Lastovo.
Lastovo, like the rest of the Roman province of Dalmatia, was settled by Illyrians. The Romans conquered and settled the entire area, retaining control until the Avar invasions and Slavic migrations in the 7th century. The Croats and other Slavic tribes subjugated by the Croats secured most of the Dalmatian seaboard. Sometime around the year 1000 the Venetians attacked and destroyed the settlement, due to the island's participation in piracy along the Adriatic coast. In the 13th century, Lastovo joined the Dubrovnik Republic where for several centuries it enjoyed a certain level of autonomy until the republic's conquest by the French, under Napoleon. Austria then ruled the island for the next century, then Italy and Yugoslavia until it finally became a part of the independent Republic of Croatia.
The island is noted for its 15th- and 16th-century architecture. There is a large number of churches of relatively small size, a testament to the island's long-standing Roman Catholic tradition. The major cultural event is the Poklade, or carnival. The island largely relies on its natural beauty and preservation to attract tourists each season. In 2006 the Croatian Government made the island and its archipelago a nature park.
The island of Lastovo belongs to the central Dalmatian archipelago.
Thirteen kilometres (8.1 miles) south of Korčula, the island is one of
the most remote inhabited islands in the Adriatic Sea. Other islands in
this group include Vis, Brač, Hvar, Korčula and Mljet. The dimensions of
the island are approximately 9.8 kilometres (6.1 miles) long by up to
5.8 kilometres (3.6 miles) wide.[2]
The Lastovo archipelago contains a total of 46 islands, including the larger islands Sušac, Prežba, Mrčara and an island group called Lastovnjaci on the eastern side. Prežba is connected to the main island by a bridge at the village of Pasadur ("passage" in the local dialect). The island has a daily hydrofoil service and ferry service linking it to the mainland at Split and stopping along the way at Korčula and Hvar.
The town of Lastovo is spread over the steep banks of a natural amphitheatre overlooking a fertile field, facing away from the sea. This is unusual compared to other Adriatic islands, which are normally harbour side. Other settlements on the island include the villages of Ubli (also known as Sveti Petar), Zaklopatica, Skrivena Luka, and Pasadur.
Despite major fires in 1971, 1998 and 2003,[7] about 60% of Lastovo is covered with forest, mostly Holm Oaks and Aleppo Pines and Mediterranean underbrush.[8] There are rich communities of falcon and hawk nests. These used to be exploited by the Dubrovnik Republic for falconry and traded to other kingdoms, especially to Kingdom of Naples in the Middle Ages. The underwater life is the richest in the entire Adriatic, featuring lobsters, crayfish, octopus and many high prized fish such as John Dory and Groupers. There are no venomous snakes on the island.[9]
Lastovo has a dynamic landscape consisting of 46 hills and 46 karstic fields that often contain layers of red soil and quartz sand. The highest point is Hum at 417 m (1,368 ft)[10]
and there are another three hills higher than 400 m (1300 ft), Pleševo
Brdo, Gumanca and Mali Hum and another thirteen other hills higher than
200 m (650 ft). Its dolomitic valleys are located between limy
hills and mild calcareous slopes rich in caves. There are five caves on
the island — Rača (the largest), Puzavica, Pozalica, Grapčeva and
The coastline is mainly steep and the surrounding sea is deep. On the southern coast is a large, deep bay at Skrivena Luka which offers protection from the bura and westerly winds. The other main deep port is located on the western side at Ubli which is where the main ferry port for the island is located.[12]
The first traces of human presence on the island were found in the Rača cave where continuous evidence of habitation reaches as far as the late Neolithic Age. In prehistoric times the island was inhabited by the Illyrians. However finds of Greek ceramics show that the island was on one of the Greek trade routes on the Adriatic and probably a part of the state of Issa.[2]
When the Romans conquered the province of Dalmatia they too settled Lastovo. The Romans named the island Augusta Insula. The Romans left traces of their long rule on the island, in the form of the so-called villa rustica estates (residential farming units) and the water catchment areas known as the lokve. The Romans established a settlement on location of today's village of Ubli that flourished during first centuries AD, only to become completely abandoned in later centuries.[2]
Later in the 13th century the people of Lastovo voluntarily joined the Republic of Ragusa
in 1252 after the republic promised that it would honour Lastovo's
internal autonomy . This agreement was codified in the Ragusa Statute
written in 1272.[15] In 1310 Lastovo got its first written legislation, the Statute of Lastovo,
which had all the characteristics of law. The supreme authority on the
island had a council consisting of 20 members who held office for life.[16]
In 1486 authorities of the Council were passed in Parliament of the
Republic and the island lost much of its autonomy. Continuous limitation
of the island's autonomy and higher taxes led to a short lived
rebellion in 1602. On the appeal of islanders, Venice
occupied the island the following year and held it until 1606, when it
was returned to Ragusa. The next attempt at rebellion was in 1652, which
resulted in the loss of the island's autonomy.[11]
During the Ottoman conquests, Lastovo was very often a target of pirates from Ulcinj, leading to the introduction of mandatory guard service. Guard service was abolished in the 18th century when pirates from Ulcinj became merchant sailors. The last reported outbreak of vampirism in Croatia was 'recorded' on Lastovo. The trial in Ragusa in 1737 took testimony from visitors to the island during an outbreak of severe diarrhoea which killed many locals. The islanders blamed this epidemic on vampires. This case included from Lastovo the defendants who formed a band or group of vigilante style vampire hunters. Such cases were reported throughout all of Croatia and indeed Europe in the Middle Ages.
During World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Army
established a military garrison on Glavica consisted mostly of
Hungarian troops. The authorities ordered blackouts and forbade the
ringing of church bells during the war. At the end of 1917 four French
planes bombed Lastovo. Some French troops landed on the island to
reconnoiter it. Italian forces soon followed and clashed with the
garrison. Some members of the Austro-Hungarian garrison escaped. The
Italians took those they caught to Italy as prisoners of war.
A French plane dropping leaflets on the island on 4 November brought
the news that the war was finally over. On 11 November 1918 Italian
troops took possession of the island based on the 1915 Secret Treaty of
London, which allocated much of Dalmatia to Italy upon Italy entering
the war on the side of the Triple Alliance.
The Italians based their claim upon the presence of ethnic Italians in
all parts of maritime Dalmatia. However, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson,
who was a supporter of the nationality principle, blocked the
As a consequence, under the Rapallo agreement of 1920, Italy received in Dalmatia only Zara (today Zadar), due to its Italian majority, and Lagosta. Although the Italian population was in the minority, it was smaller than other Dalmatian places such as Vis (Lissa). After the advent of Fascism in Italy (1922), the Italians followed a policy of Italianization in all its possessions. At the same time, living standards improved. Many public works were started, and the island reached its peak population of approximately 2,000. This growth resulted in part from the immigration from other Dalmatian towns, of ethnic Italians who wished to live under Italian rule.
In 1941 the Axis Powers attacked Yugoslavia, which collapsed in few days. Italy annexed part of Dalmatia; the remainder became part of the new Independent State of Croatia. On September 8, 1943, after the declaration of the Armistice with Italy, the Italian Army collapsed and Josip Broz Tito's Partisans took over the island, incorporating it into Yugoslavia. Lastovo became a part of the People's Republic of Croatia in 1945—one of the six Republics of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia and into the Socialist Republic of Croatia — one of the republics of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1953.[11] At this time all the Italian residents left the island.
After World War II, Lastovo experienced the same fate as the neighbouring island Vis. The island became a military region barred to foreign nationals. The barring of foreign nationals led to economic stagnation and the depopulation of the island. In 1988 the ban was lifted and foreign tourists were again allowed to visit the island. Croatia declared its independence from Yugoslavia in 1991, but the Yugoslav People's Army only left its bases on Lastovo, one of its last footholds in Croatia, in July 1992. The war in Croatia ended in 1995. Lastovo escaped much of the devastation that swept across some parts of Croatia and most of neighbouring Bosnia.
The most important event on the island is an authentic carnival that the locals call the Poklad.
All the island residents participate by wearing folk costumes. The
origins of the Lastovo carnival go back to a historical event. Legend
has it that Catalan pirates attacked neighbouring Korčula and sent a Turkish
messenger to Lastovo to tell the islanders to surrender or they would
be next. The inhabitants of Lastovo did not let themselves be
intimidated — instead they armed themselves and went on the attack. The
women and children prayed to Sv. Jure (St. George)
for help and their prayers were answered: a storm destroyed the
pirates' ships and the inhabitants of Lastovo caught the messenger. In
order to mock him, he was taken through the village on the back of a
donkey and was afterwards sentenced and burned to death. This event is
celebrated through the Poklad
every year over a period of three days. The event takes place in the
middle of February and since the summer 2006 it has become main
attraction for tourists. Locals enjoy this event very much and Lastovci
from all around Croatia return to Lastovo to attend the carnival.
The main church is the Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian (Crkva sv. Kuzme i Damjana).
It is situated in the oldest part of the square in the town of Lastovo
and dates from the 14th century. On the main altar is the painting of
Saint Cosmas and Damian. Out of the rest of the paintings Pieta,
the work of an anonymous Venetian painter from 1545, can be
distinguished. On its place there was a smaller church that dates back
from 5th or 6th century. The church of Sv Vlaho (Saint Blaise)
from the 12th century is on the entrance of the settlement. Beside it
the chapel of Saint John was built in 1607, and around the church a
defence wall and a tower.
On the graveyard on the southern edge is the little church of Saint Mary in the field from the 14th century and is considered as most attractive on the island. Near the ferry port in Ubli an archaeological find of the remains of a 6th-century church dedicated to Sv Petar (Saint Peter) are situated. Other churches of interest are Sv Luka (St Luke) built in the typical Croatian 11th-century sacral architecture, and Sv Jurje (St George) at Prežba also built in the 11th century, was demolished between the two World Wars. Another church called St Peter in Ubli built somewhere in the 11th–13th centuries was demolished by the Italians in 1933 to make way for extra fishing sheds.[11] All together there are a total of 46 churches, making the number 46 omnipresent since the island also has 46 hills, covers 46 km2 (18 sq mi), has 46 fields, and contains 46 islands in the archipelago.
The town's buildings date mainly from the 15th and 16th centuries when the construction of about 20 Renaissance houses redefined the village's appearance. Most of them have high broad terraces which have become the "trade mark" look of Lastovo houses.
Their unusual cylindrical chimneys that the locals call fumari are picturesque and unusual since they look like miniature minarets, although there is no record of Arab or Turkish influence ever directly reaching this area.
The ornate chimney on the 16th century Biza Antica house is probably the oldest preserved chimney in Dalmatia. The lighthouse built on Lastovo's southern tip in 1839 predates all other lighthouses in Croatia.[11]
The ancient Roman fabric was Christianized and dedicated to Sancti Cosma et Damianus in 527, when Theodoric the Great, king of the Ostrogoths, and his daughter Amalasuntha donated the library of the Forum of Peace (Bibliotheca Pacis) and a portion of the Temple of Romulus to Pope Felix IV. The pope united the two buildings to create a basilica devoted to two Greek brothers and saints, Cosmas and Damian, in contrast with the ancient pagan cult of the two brothers Castor and Pollux, who had been worshipped in the nearby Temple of Castor and Pollux. The apse was decorated with a Roman-Byzantine mosaic, representing a parousia, the Second Coming of Christ at the end of time. The bodies of Saints Mark and Marcellian were translated, perhaps in the ninth century, to this church, where they were rediscovered in 1583 during the reign of Pope Gregory XIII.
In 1632, Pope Urban VIII ordered the restoration of the basilica. The works, projected by Orazio Torriani and directed by Luigi Arrigucci, raised the floor level seven metres, bringing it equal with the Campo Vaccino, thus avoiding the infiltration of water. Also, a cloister was added. The old floor of the basilica is still visible in the lower church, which is actually the lower part of the first church.
In 1947, the restorations of the Imperial Forums gave a new structure to the church. The old entrance, through the Temple of Romulus, was closed, and the temple restored to its original forms; with the Pantheon, the Temple of Romulus is the best preserved pagan temple in Rome. A new entrance was opened on the opposite side (on via dei Fori Imperiali), whose arch gives access to the cloister, and through this to the side of the basilica.
Structure and art
The mosaics, with the parousia of Christ, among saints.
The mosaics are masterpieces of 6th- and 7th-century art. In the middle is Christ, with Saint Peter presenting Saint Cosmas and Saint Theodorus (right), and Saint Paul presenting Saint Damian and Pope Felix IV; the latter holds a model of the church.
History of medicine
The importance of this basilica for the history of medicine is not only related to the fact that the two brothers were physicians and became soon patrons of physicians, surgeons, pharmacists and veterinarians, but also to the tradition according to which Claudius Galen himself lectured in the Library of the Temple of Peace ("Bibliotheca Pacis"). Furthermore, for centuries, in this "medical area" Roman physicians had their meetings.[1]References
- Cfr L.Temperini, Basilica Santi Cosma e Damiano, Edizioni Casa Generalizia TOR, Roma, s.d., p.5.
Today's Snippet II: Lastovo, Croatia
Lastovo and surrounding islands
The municipality consists of 46 islands with a total population of 792 people,[3] of which 93% are ethnic Croats, and a land area of approximately 53 square kilometres (20 sq mi).[4][5] The biggest island in the municipality is also named Lastovo, as is the largest town. The majority of the population lives on the 46 square kilometres (18 sq mi) island of Lastovo.
Lastovo, like the rest of the Roman province of Dalmatia, was settled by Illyrians. The Romans conquered and settled the entire area, retaining control until the Avar invasions and Slavic migrations in the 7th century. The Croats and other Slavic tribes subjugated by the Croats secured most of the Dalmatian seaboard. Sometime around the year 1000 the Venetians attacked and destroyed the settlement, due to the island's participation in piracy along the Adriatic coast. In the 13th century, Lastovo joined the Dubrovnik Republic where for several centuries it enjoyed a certain level of autonomy until the republic's conquest by the French, under Napoleon. Austria then ruled the island for the next century, then Italy and Yugoslavia until it finally became a part of the independent Republic of Croatia.
The island is noted for its 15th- and 16th-century architecture. There is a large number of churches of relatively small size, a testament to the island's long-standing Roman Catholic tradition. The major cultural event is the Poklade, or carnival. The island largely relies on its natural beauty and preservation to attract tourists each season. In 2006 the Croatian Government made the island and its archipelago a nature park.
The Lastovo archipelago contains a total of 46 islands, including the larger islands Sušac, Prežba, Mrčara and an island group called Lastovnjaci on the eastern side. Prežba is connected to the main island by a bridge at the village of Pasadur ("passage" in the local dialect). The island has a daily hydrofoil service and ferry service linking it to the mainland at Split and stopping along the way at Korčula and Hvar.
The town of Lastovo is spread over the steep banks of a natural amphitheatre overlooking a fertile field, facing away from the sea. This is unusual compared to other Adriatic islands, which are normally harbour side. Other settlements on the island include the villages of Ubli (also known as Sveti Petar), Zaklopatica, Skrivena Luka, and Pasadur.
Despite major fires in 1971, 1998 and 2003,[7] about 60% of Lastovo is covered with forest, mostly Holm Oaks and Aleppo Pines and Mediterranean underbrush.[8] There are rich communities of falcon and hawk nests. These used to be exploited by the Dubrovnik Republic for falconry and traded to other kingdoms, especially to Kingdom of Naples in the Middle Ages. The underwater life is the richest in the entire Adriatic, featuring lobsters, crayfish, octopus and many high prized fish such as John Dory and Groupers. There are no venomous snakes on the island.[9]
Landscape and coastline
Skrivena Luka
The coastline is mainly steep and the surrounding sea is deep. On the southern coast is a large, deep bay at Skrivena Luka which offers protection from the bura and westerly winds. The other main deep port is located on the western side at Ubli which is where the main ferry port for the island is located.[12]
Lastovo possesses all the basic characteristics of the Mediterranean climate, dominated by mild, moist winters and warm, long, and dry summers.[13] The island receives around 2,700 sun hours per year, ranking it among one of the sunniest in the Adriatic and pleasant for tourists.[13] This produces a water temperature around 27 °C (81 °F) in summer.[citation needed] Annual rainfall is 622 millimetres (24.5 in).[13] Since there are no permanent surface water streams,[13] residents rely on bores, dams and wells.History
Relief showing symbolical image of Eucharistia with Cross and Lambs found in Ubli from the 5th or 6th century
Prehistory and antiquity
The island was first mentioned by 6th century lexicographer Stephen from Byzantium who called it Ladesta and Ladeston. His source was Theopompus, a 4th-century BC Greek historian. The names of numerous other Illyric settlements along the coast had the same suffix -est which indicates its Illyric origins. When the Romans conquered Dalmatia they gave the island the Latin name Augusta Insula meaning "Emperor's Island". During the Middle Ages, the name would be transcribed as Augusta, Lagusta or Lagosta. The Slavic suffix -ovo combined with the Roman form of Lasta gives the islands present name of Lastovo.[2]The first traces of human presence on the island were found in the Rača cave where continuous evidence of habitation reaches as far as the late Neolithic Age. In prehistoric times the island was inhabited by the Illyrians. However finds of Greek ceramics show that the island was on one of the Greek trade routes on the Adriatic and probably a part of the state of Issa.[2]
When the Romans conquered the province of Dalmatia they too settled Lastovo. The Romans named the island Augusta Insula. The Romans left traces of their long rule on the island, in the form of the so-called villa rustica estates (residential farming units) and the water catchment areas known as the lokve. The Romans established a settlement on location of today's village of Ubli that flourished during first centuries AD, only to become completely abandoned in later centuries.[2]
Middle Ages
With the arrival of the Slavs to Adriatic in the 7th century, Croats eventually settled most of Dalmatia which included Lastovo. Around 950, the Byzantine emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitos mentions Lastovo in his De Administrando Imperio by its Slavic name Lastobon. In 998 the Venetian Doge Pietro Orseolo II launched large military operations against Croatian and Neretvian pirates along the Adriatic and its islands, which culminated with the destruction of the town of Lastovo. After this Lastovci decided to build a city on the internal hill away from the coast which made the city more defendable. During the next two centuries, inhabitants dedicated themselves more to agriculture and neglected their earlier naval tradition.[11] Scarcity of accurate historical documents and an almost complete silence covering the events on the island in the early Middle Ages are trustworthy signs of a great autonomy of Lastovo in that period. Lastovo may have at times come briefly under various rulers from the 7th–13th centuries, whether Byzantine, Dukljan or Narentine, however, it is accepted that Lastovo generally recognised the Croatian kings as its nominal and natural rulers.[2][11] In 1185 the Hvar diocese is formed of which Lastovo is mentioned as having been part. A church synod held in Split that same year decreed that the diocese of Hvar should fall under the authority of the Archbishop of Split.Republic of Ragusa
During the Ottoman conquests, Lastovo was very often a target of pirates from Ulcinj, leading to the introduction of mandatory guard service. Guard service was abolished in the 18th century when pirates from Ulcinj became merchant sailors. The last reported outbreak of vampirism in Croatia was 'recorded' on Lastovo. The trial in Ragusa in 1737 took testimony from visitors to the island during an outbreak of severe diarrhoea which killed many locals. The islanders blamed this epidemic on vampires. This case included from Lastovo the defendants who formed a band or group of vigilante style vampire hunters. Such cases were reported throughout all of Croatia and indeed Europe in the Middle Ages.
19th century
In 1806 the French took control of the Republic of Ragusa. When they abolished the Republic in 1808, Lastovo became part of the French Empire. The French built a fortification on Glavica hill and mobilised islanders against the British. Between 18 January and 3 February 1813, the Royal Navy frigate HMS Apollo and troops captured Lastovo and Korčula. The British held the island until 1815 when the Congress of Vienna awarded the island to the Habsburg Empire. After 1815, Lastovo was part of Dubrovnik county in the Austrian province of Dalmatia. Until 1829, it had its own court, but later the island fell under the jurisdiction of the court in Korčula. In the 1840s, the municipality fell into a deep economic crisis that resulted in its selling most of its forests to foreigners.[11]20th century
Town of Lastovo
As a consequence, under the Rapallo agreement of 1920, Italy received in Dalmatia only Zara (today Zadar), due to its Italian majority, and Lagosta. Although the Italian population was in the minority, it was smaller than other Dalmatian places such as Vis (Lissa). After the advent of Fascism in Italy (1922), the Italians followed a policy of Italianization in all its possessions. At the same time, living standards improved. Many public works were started, and the island reached its peak population of approximately 2,000. This growth resulted in part from the immigration from other Dalmatian towns, of ethnic Italians who wished to live under Italian rule.
In 1941 the Axis Powers attacked Yugoslavia, which collapsed in few days. Italy annexed part of Dalmatia; the remainder became part of the new Independent State of Croatia. On September 8, 1943, after the declaration of the Armistice with Italy, the Italian Army collapsed and Josip Broz Tito's Partisans took over the island, incorporating it into Yugoslavia. Lastovo became a part of the People's Republic of Croatia in 1945—one of the six Republics of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia and into the Socialist Republic of Croatia — one of the republics of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1953.[11] At this time all the Italian residents left the island.
After World War II, Lastovo experienced the same fate as the neighbouring island Vis. The island became a military region barred to foreign nationals. The barring of foreign nationals led to economic stagnation and the depopulation of the island. In 1988 the ban was lifted and foreign tourists were again allowed to visit the island. Croatia declared its independence from Yugoslavia in 1991, but the Yugoslav People's Army only left its bases on Lastovo, one of its last footholds in Croatia, in July 1992. The war in Croatia ended in 1995. Lastovo escaped much of the devastation that swept across some parts of Croatia and most of neighbouring Bosnia.
A Pokladar shown in his traditional uniform
Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian
On the graveyard on the southern edge is the little church of Saint Mary in the field from the 14th century and is considered as most attractive on the island. Near the ferry port in Ubli an archaeological find of the remains of a 6th-century church dedicated to Sv Petar (Saint Peter) are situated. Other churches of interest are Sv Luka (St Luke) built in the typical Croatian 11th-century sacral architecture, and Sv Jurje (St George) at Prežba also built in the 11th century, was demolished between the two World Wars. Another church called St Peter in Ubli built somewhere in the 11th–13th centuries was demolished by the Italians in 1933 to make way for extra fishing sheds.[11] All together there are a total of 46 churches, making the number 46 omnipresent since the island also has 46 hills, covers 46 km2 (18 sq mi), has 46 fields, and contains 46 islands in the archipelago.
Their unusual cylindrical chimneys that the locals call fumari are picturesque and unusual since they look like miniature minarets, although there is no record of Arab or Turkish influence ever directly reaching this area.
The ornate chimney on the 16th century Biza Antica house is probably the oldest preserved chimney in Dalmatia. The lighthouse built on Lastovo's southern tip in 1839 predates all other lighthouses in Croatia.[11]
Inhabitants speak the Čakavian dialect of the Croatian language, maintaining a unique Jekavian variant possibly due to the influence from hundreds of years of association within the Dubrovnik Republic and also due to the island's remoteness. The first mentioned inhabitants of Lastovo were recorded in the 13th century Dubrovnik archives and the Statute of Lastovo, written in Italian and Latin, clearly indicates that most of the population had exclusively Croatian folk names.[11] For many centuries the only religion on the island has been Roman Catholicism, which has contributed to the preservation of the Latin names of certain settlements.References
- Ostroški, Ljiljana, ed. (December 2013). "Statistički ljetopis Republike Hrvatske 2013" [2013 Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Croatia] (PDF). Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Croatia (in Croatian and English) (Zagreb: Croatian Bureau of Statistics) 45: 41. ISSN 1334-0638. Retrieved 17 February 2014.
- Belamarić, Jurica (1985). Vodič Lastova (in Croatian). Split: Logos. OCLC 16890326.
- "Population by Age and Sex, by Settlements, 2011 Census: Lastovo". Zagreb: Croatian Bureau of Statistics. December 2012.
- Duplančić Leder, Tea; Ujević, Tin; Čala, Mendi (June 2004). "Coastline lengths and areas of islands in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea determined from the topographic maps at the scale of 1 : 25 000" (PDF). Geoadria (Zadar) 9 (1): 5–32. Retrieved 2011-01-21.
- Lastovo Municipality Spatial Plan - Exposition of the Plan, p. 4
- "Lastovsko otočje - 11. hrvatski park prirode". www.lastovo.org (in Croatian). Park prirode Lastovo. Retrieved 2009-05-12.
- Nautical Tourism Development in the Lastovo Islands Nature Park, p. 8
- Horvat, Manda; Mutak, Katica (January 2006). "Architecture of the Island of Lastovo" (PDF). Ethnological Researches 1 (11): 327–334. Retrieved 6 March 2011.
- "Free from poisonous snakes". lastovo.org. Lastovo Nature Park. Retrieved 14 February 2011.
- "Lastovo – vrh Sozanj". plsavez.hr (in Croatian). Croatian Mountaineering Association. Retrieved 5 April 2011.
- Jurica, Antun (2001). Lastovo kroz stoljeća (in Croatian). Lastovo: Matica hrvatska Ogranak Lastovo. ISBN 953-97232-3-X.
- Lastovo Municipality Spatial Plan - Exposition of the Plan, p. 9
- Lastovo Municipality Spatial Plan - Exposition of the Plan, p. 7
Catholic Catechism
Part Three: Life in Christ
Section Two: The Ten Commandments
Chapter Two: Eighth Commandment
Article 8:6 Truth, Beauty, and Sacred Art
Jesus said to his disciples:
"Love one another as I have loved you."1 Jn 13:34
In response to the question about the first of the commandments, Jesus says:
"The first is, 'Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; and you
shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and
with all your mind, and with all your strength.' the second is this, 'You shall
love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than
these."2 Mk 12:29-31; cf.
⇒ Deut 6:4-5; ⇒ Lev
19:18; ⇒ Mt 22:34-40;
⇒ Lk 10:25-28
The apostle St. Paul reminds us of this: "He who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. the commandments, 'You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,' and any other commandment, are summed up in this sentence, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law."3 Rom 13:8-10
The apostle St. Paul reminds us of this: "He who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. the commandments, 'You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,' and any other commandment, are summed up in this sentence, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law."3 Rom 13:8-10
Article 8
You shall not bear false
witness against your neighbor.
It was said to the men of old,
"You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have
The eighth commandment forbids misrepresenting the truth in our relations with
others. This moral prescription flows from the vocation of the holy people to
bear witness to their God who is the truth and wills the truth. Offenses
against the truth express by word or deed a refusal to commit oneself to moral
uprightness: they are fundamental infidelities to God and, in this sense, they
undermine the foundations of the covenant.
VI. Truth, Beauty, and
Sacred Art
The practice of goodness is accompanied by spontaneous spiritual joy and moral
beauty. Likewise, truth carries with it the joy and splendor of spiritual
beauty. Truth is beautiful in itself. Truth in words, the rational expression
of the knowledge of created and uncreated reality, is necessary to man, who is
endowed with intellect. But truth can also find other complementary forms of
human expression, above all when it is a matter of evoking what is beyond
words: the depths of the human heart, the exaltations of the soul, the mystery
of God. Even before revealing himself to man in words of truth, God reveals
himself to him through the universal language of creation, the work of his
Word, of his wisdom: the order and harmony of the cosmos - which both the child
and the scientist discover - "from the greatness and beauty of created
things comes a corresponding perception of their Creator," "for the
author of beauty created them."289
[Wisdom] is a breath of the
power of God, and a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty; therefore
nothing defiled gains entrance into her. For she is a reflection of eternal
light, a spotless mirror of the working of God, and an image of his
goodness.290 For [wisdom] is more beautiful than the sun, and excels every
constellation of the stars. Compared with the light she is found to be
superior, for it is succeeded by the night, but against wisdom evil does not
prevail.291 I became enamored of her beauty.292
Created "in the image of God,"293 man also expresses the
truth of his relationship with God the Creator by the beauty of his artistic
works. Indeed, art is a distinctively human form of expression; beyond the
search for the necessities of life which is common to all living creatures, art
is a freely given superabundance of the human being's inner riches. Arising
from talent given by the Creator and from man's own effort, art is a form of
practical wisdom, uniting knowledge and skill,294 to give form to the truth
of reality in a language accessible to sight or hearing. To the extent that it
is inspired by truth and love of beings, art bears a certain likeness to God's
activity in what he has created. Like any other human activity, art is not an
absolute end in itself, but is ordered to and ennobled by the ultimate end of
Sacred art is true and beautiful when its form corresponds to its particular
vocation: evoking and glorifying, in faith and adoration, the transcendent mystery
of God - the surpassing invisible beauty of truth and love visible in Christ,
who "reflects the glory of God and bears the very stamp of his
nature," in whom "the whole fullness of deity dwells
bodily."296 This spiritual beauty of God is reflected in the most
holy Virgin Mother of God, the angels, and saints. Genuine sacred art draws man
to adoration, to prayer, and to the love of God, Creator and Savior, the Holy
One and Sanctifier.
For this reason bishops, personally or through delegates, should see to the
promotion of sacred art, old and new, in all its forms and, with the same
religious care, remove from the liturgy and from places of worship everything
which is not in conformity with the truth of faith and the authentic beauty of
sacred art.297
289 ⇒ Wis 13:3, 5.
290 ⇒ Wis 7:25-26.
291 ⇒ Wis 7:29-30.
292 ⇒ Wis 8:2.
293 ⇒ Gen 1:26.
294 Cf. ⇒ Wis 7:16-17
295 Cf. Pius XII, Musicae sacrae disciplina; Discourses of September 3 and
December 25, 1950.
296 ⇒ Heb 1:3; ⇒ Col 2:9.
297 Cf. SC 122-127.
2504 "You shall not bear
false witness against your neighbor" (⇒ Ex
20:16). Christ's disciples have "put on the new man, created after
the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness"
(⇒ Eph 4:24).
2505 Truth or truthfulness is
the virtue which consists in showing oneself true in deeds and truthful in
words, and guarding against duplicity, dissimulation, and hypocrisy.
2506 The Christian is not to
"be ashamed of testifying to our Lord" (⇒ 2
Tim 1:8) in deed and word. Martyrdom is the supreme witness given to
the truth of the faith.
2507 Respect for the
reputation and honor of persons forbids all detraction and calumny in word or
2508 Lying consists in saying
what is false with the intention of deceiving the neighbor who has the right to
the truth.
2509 An offense committed
against the truth requires reparation.
2510 The golden rule helps
one discern, in concrete situations, whether or not it would be appropriate to
reveal the truth to someone who asks for it.
2511 "The sacramental
seal is inviolable" (⇒ CIC, can. 983 # 1).
Professional secrets must be kept. Confidences prejudicial to another are not
to be divulged.
2512 Society has a right to
information based on truth, freedom, and justice. One should practice
moderation and discipline in the use of the social communications media.
2513 The fine arts, but above
all sacred art, "of their nature are directed toward expressing in some
way the infinite beauty of God in works made by human hands. Their dedication
to the increase of God's praise and of his glory is more complete, the more
exclusively they are devoted to turning men's minds devoutly toward God"
(SC 122).
RE-CHARGE: Heaven Speaks to Young Adults
To all tween, teens and young adults, A Message from Jesus: "Through you I will flow powerful conversion
graces to draw other young souls from darkness. My plan for young men
and women is immense. Truly, the renewal will leap forward with the assistance
of these individuals. Am I calling you? Yes. I am calling you. You feel
the stirring in your soul as you read these words. I am with you. I
will never leave you. Join My band of young apostles and I will give you
joy and peace that you have never known. All courage, all strength will
be yours. Together, we will reclaim this world for the Father. I will
bless your families and all of your relationships. I will lead you to
your place in the Kingdom. Only you can complete the tasks I have set
out for you. Do not reject Me. I am your Jesus. I love you...Read this
book, upload to your phones/ipads.computers and read a few pages everyday...and then Pay
It Forward...
- Recharge: Directions For Our Times. Heaven Speaks to Young Adults. recharge.cc.