On a regular rosary Pray:
On the Crucifix - recite The Apostles' Creed
On all Our Father beads, recite the Our Father
On the group of 3 Hail Mary Beads near the Crucifix:
On the first recite - 1 Hail Mary, in praise of God the Father
On the Second recite - 1 Hail Mary in petition
On the third recite - 1 Hail Mary, in thanksgiving, with confidence that your petition will be granted.
On all the Gloria Beads - recite
"Holy God, Holy Omnipotent One, save us who dwell in this land."
Each Decade, on each of the 10 Hail Mary Beads - recite
"Jesus Savior, merciful Savior, spare your people"
At the end of the 5th decade - recite
"Son of God, Eternal Son, thank you for the things You have done." (3 times total)
Jesus attached specific promises of protection to this prayer. This prayer goes even FURTHER than storms, natural disaster, and military strife.
It has a GREAT HEALING POWER attached to it, as well, in that it can mend broken marriages, and cure spiritual, physical and emotional troubles, It has "another dimension of protection, even greater that what we can understand at this time."
In the context of protections against storms, natural disaster, and increasing global military tension, Jesus has asked us to URGENTLY spread this special devotion. It is NOT intended to replace the everyday Rosary of our Blessed Mother.