Moral, Psalms 40, Jeremiah 38:4-10, Luke 12:49-59, Pope Francis Daily - Faith and Violence are Incompatible, St. Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga, Vina del mar Chile, Catholic Catechism Part Three: Life In Christ - Chapter 3: Gods Salvation Law and Grace - Article 2:3 Merit
Year of Faith - October 11, 2012 - November 24, 2013
P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Serenity Happens). It has a remarkable way of producing solace, peace, patience and tranquility and of course resolution...God's always available 24/7.
The world begins and ends everyday for someone. We are all human. We all experience birth, life and death. We all have
flaws but we also all have the gift of knowledge, reason and free will,
make the most of these gifts. Life on earth is a stepping stone to our eternal home in
Heaven. The Seven Gifts of
the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, wonder and awe (fear of the
Lord) , counsel, knowledge, fortitude, and piety (reverence) and shun
the seven Deadly sins: wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and
gluttony...Its your choice whether to embrace the Gifts of the Holy Spirit rising towards eternal light or succumb to the Seven deadly sins and lost to
eternal darkness. Material items, though needed for sustenance and
survival on earth are of earthly value only. The only thing that passes
from this earth to the Darkness, Purgatory or Heaven is our's God's perpetual
gift to us...Embrace it, treasure it, nurture it, protect it...~ Zarya Parx 2013
"Raise not a hand to another unless it is to offer in peace and goodwill." ~ Zarya Parx 2012
Prayers for Today: Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rosary - Glorious Mysteries
Papam Franciscus
(Pope Francis)
(2013-08-18 Vatican Radio)
ope Francis on Sunday reiterated his call for peace in the ongoing crisis in Egypt saying” “we continue to pray for peace in Egypt together, Mary Queen of Peace pray for us” The Holy Father also remembered those who were killed in a ferry disaster in the Philippines this week and prayed for the families in their grief.
The Pope was speaking following the recitation of the Angelus prayer from the Papal Apartments above St Peter’s Square.
During his Angelus address Pope Francis took his cue from Sunday’s Gospel liturgy.
He explained that the phrase contained in the Letter to the Hebrews: "Let us run with perseverance the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus”, is an expression that we must emphasize especially in this Year of Faith.
The Pope said that Jesus is the key to a loving relationship with God.He is the only mediator of this relationship between us and our Father in heaven.
The Holy Father then turned his attention to another phrase in Sunday’s liturgy, which he said needed to be explained so as not to lead to confusion or misunderstanding.
Pope Francis was referring to the words that Jesus spoke to his disciples "Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division "(Luke 12:51).
“But what does this mean?” the Pope asked.
He explained that “it means that faith is not something decorative, or ornamental, it is not there to decorate your life with a little 'of religion.” No, faith, said Pope Francis, involves choosing God as the centre of one’s life, adding that God is not empty, he is not neutral, God is love.
Jesus, continued Pope Francis does not want to divide people from each other, on the contrary, Jesus is our peace.But he lays down the criterion: live for oneself, or live for God.
So, said the Pope, “the word of the Gospel does not authorize the use of force to spread the faith. It is 'just the opposite: the true strength of the Christian is the power of truth and love, which leads to the renunciation of all violence." Faith and violence are incompatible".
At the end of his address, the Holy Father again stressed that faith is not something decorative but a force of the soul, before wishing those in St Peter’s Square a lovely Sunday and a good lunch.
ope Francis on Sunday reiterated his call for peace in the ongoing crisis in Egypt saying” “we continue to pray for peace in Egypt together, Mary Queen of Peace pray for us” The Holy Father also remembered those who were killed in a ferry disaster in the Philippines this week and prayed for the families in their grief.
The Pope was speaking following the recitation of the Angelus prayer from the Papal Apartments above St Peter’s Square.
During his Angelus address Pope Francis took his cue from Sunday’s Gospel liturgy.
He explained that the phrase contained in the Letter to the Hebrews: "Let us run with perseverance the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus”, is an expression that we must emphasize especially in this Year of Faith.
The Pope said that Jesus is the key to a loving relationship with God.He is the only mediator of this relationship between us and our Father in heaven.
The Holy Father then turned his attention to another phrase in Sunday’s liturgy, which he said needed to be explained so as not to lead to confusion or misunderstanding.
Pope Francis was referring to the words that Jesus spoke to his disciples "Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division "(Luke 12:51).
“But what does this mean?” the Pope asked.
He explained that “it means that faith is not something decorative, or ornamental, it is not there to decorate your life with a little 'of religion.” No, faith, said Pope Francis, involves choosing God as the centre of one’s life, adding that God is not empty, he is not neutral, God is love.
Jesus, continued Pope Francis does not want to divide people from each other, on the contrary, Jesus is our peace.But he lays down the criterion: live for oneself, or live for God.
So, said the Pope, “the word of the Gospel does not authorize the use of force to spread the faith. It is 'just the opposite: the true strength of the Christian is the power of truth and love, which leads to the renunciation of all violence." Faith and violence are incompatible".
At the end of his address, the Holy Father again stressed that faith is not something decorative but a force of the soul, before wishing those in St Peter’s Square a lovely Sunday and a good lunch.
Liturgical Celebrations to be presided over by Pope: Summer
Vatican City, Summer2013 (VIS)
August 2, 2013 Our Lady of Medjugorje Message to the World: Dear children; If only you would open your hearts to me with complete trust, you would comprehend everything. You would comprehend with how much love I am calling you; with how much love I desire to change you, to make you happy; with how much love I desire to make you followers of my Son and give you peace in the fullness of my Son. You would comprehend the immeasurable greatness of my motherly love. That is why, my children, pray because through prayer your faith grows and love is born, the love along which even the cross is not unendurable because you do not carry it alone. In union with my Son you glorify the name of the Heavenly Father. Pray, pray for the gift of love, because love is the only truth: it forgives everything, it serves everyone and it sees a brother in everyone. My children, my apostles, great is the trust that the Heavenly Father has given you through me, His handmaid, to help those who do not know Him, that they may reconcile with Him and follow Him. That is why I am teaching you to love, because only if you have love will you be able to respond to Him. Again I am calling you to love your shepherds and to pray that, at this difficult time, the name of my Son may be glorified under their guidance. Thank you.
July 2, 2013 Our Lady of Medjugorje Message to the World: "Dear children, with a motherly love I am imploring you to give me the gift of your hearts, so I can present them to my Son and free you – free you from all the evil enslaving and distancing you all the more from the only Good – my Son – from everything which is leading you on the wrong way and is taking peace away from you. I desire to lead you to the freedom of the promise of my Son, because I desire for God's will to be fulfilled completely here; and that through reconciliation with the Heavenly Father, through fasting and prayer, apostles of God's love may be born – apostles who will freely, and with love, spread the love of God to all my children – apostles who will spread the love of the trust in the Heavenly Father and who will keep opening the gates of Heaven. Dear children, extend the joy of love and support to your shepherds, just as my Son has asked them to extend it to you. Thank you."
- Vatican News. From the Pope. © Copyright 2013 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Accessed 08/13/2013.
August 2, 2013 Our Lady of Medjugorje Message to the World: Dear children; If only you would open your hearts to me with complete trust, you would comprehend everything. You would comprehend with how much love I am calling you; with how much love I desire to change you, to make you happy; with how much love I desire to make you followers of my Son and give you peace in the fullness of my Son. You would comprehend the immeasurable greatness of my motherly love. That is why, my children, pray because through prayer your faith grows and love is born, the love along which even the cross is not unendurable because you do not carry it alone. In union with my Son you glorify the name of the Heavenly Father. Pray, pray for the gift of love, because love is the only truth: it forgives everything, it serves everyone and it sees a brother in everyone. My children, my apostles, great is the trust that the Heavenly Father has given you through me, His handmaid, to help those who do not know Him, that they may reconcile with Him and follow Him. That is why I am teaching you to love, because only if you have love will you be able to respond to Him. Again I am calling you to love your shepherds and to pray that, at this difficult time, the name of my Son may be glorified under their guidance. Thank you.
July 2, 2013 Our Lady of Medjugorje Message to the World: "Dear children, with a motherly love I am imploring you to give me the gift of your hearts, so I can present them to my Son and free you – free you from all the evil enslaving and distancing you all the more from the only Good – my Son – from everything which is leading you on the wrong way and is taking peace away from you. I desire to lead you to the freedom of the promise of my Son, because I desire for God's will to be fulfilled completely here; and that through reconciliation with the Heavenly Father, through fasting and prayer, apostles of God's love may be born – apostles who will freely, and with love, spread the love of God to all my children – apostles who will spread the love of the trust in the Heavenly Father and who will keep opening the gates of Heaven. Dear children, extend the joy of love and support to your shepherds, just as my Son has asked them to extend it to you. Thank you."
Today's Word: moral mor·al [mawr-uhl]
Origin: 1300–50; Middle English < Latin mōrālis, equivalent to mōr- (stem of mōs ) usage, custom + -ālis -al1
1. of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong; ethical: moral attitudes.
2. expressing or conveying truths or counsel as to right conduct, as a speaker or a literary work.
3. founded on the fundamental principles of right conduct rather than on legalities, enactment, or custom: moral obligations.
4. capable of conforming to the rules of right conduct: a moral being.
5. conforming to the rules of right conduct (opposed to immoral ): a moral man.
Today's Old Testament Reading - Psalms 40:2, 3, 4, 18
2 He pulled me up from the seething chasm, from the mud of the mire. He set my feet on rock, and made my footsteps firm.
3 He put a fresh song in my mouth, praise of our God. Many will be awestruck at the sight, and will put their trust in Yahweh.
4 How blessed are those who put their
trust in Yahweh, who have not sided with rebels and those who have gone
astray in falsehood.
Today's Epistle - Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10
4 The chief men then said to the king, 'You must have this man
put to death: he is unquestionably disheartening the remaining soldiers
in the city, and all the people too, by talking like this. This man is seeking not the welfare of the people but their ruin.'
5 King Zedekiah answered, 'He is in your hands as you know, for the king is powerless to oppose you.'
6 So they took Jeremiah
and put him into the storage-well of the king's son Malchiah in the
Court of the Guard, letting him down with ropes. There was no water in
the storage-well, only mud, and into the mud Jeremiah sank.
8 Ebed-Melech came out from the palace and spoke to the king.
9 'My lord king,' he said, 'these men have done a wicked thing by treating the prophet Jeremiah like this: they have thrown him into the storage-well. He will starve to death there, since there is no more food in the city.'
10 At this the king gave Ebed-Melech the Cushite the following order: 'Take thirty men with you from here and pull the prophet Jeremiah out of the storage-well before he dies.'
Today's Gospel Reading - Luke 12: 49-59
Opening prayer
Shaddai, God of the mountain,
You who make of our fragile life
the rock of your dwelling place,
lead our mind
to strike the rock of the desert,
so that water may gush to quench our thirst.
May the poverty of our feelings
cover us as with a mantle in the darkness of the night
and may it open our heart to hear the echo of silence
until the dawn,
wrapping us with the light of the new morning,
may bring us,
with the spent embers of the fire of the shepherds of the Absolute
who have kept vigil for us close to the divine Master,
the flavour of the holy memory.
Shaddai, God of the mountain,
You who make of our fragile life
the rock of your dwelling place,
lead our mind
to strike the rock of the desert,
so that water may gush to quench our thirst.
May the poverty of our feelings
cover us as with a mantle in the darkness of the night
and may it open our heart to hear the echo of silence
until the dawn,
wrapping us with the light of the new morning,
may bring us,
with the spent embers of the fire of the shepherds of the Absolute
who have kept vigil for us close to the divine Master,
the flavour of the holy memory.
a) The text:
'I have come to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were
blazing already! 50 There is a baptism I must still receive, and what
constraint I am under until it is completed! 51 'Do you suppose that I
am here to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. 52
For from now on, a household of five will be divided: three against
two and two against three; 53 father opposed to son, son to father,
mother to daughter, daughter to mother, mother-in-law to
daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law to mother-in-law.' 54 He said again to
the crowds, 'When you see a cloud looming up in the west you say at
once that rain is coming, and so it does. 55 And when the wind is from
the south you say it's going to be hot, and it is. 56 Hypocrites! You
know how to interpret the face of the earth and the sky. How is it you
do not know how to interpret these times? 57 'Why not judge for
yourselves what is upright? 58 For example: when you are going to court
with your opponent, make an effort to settle with him on the way, or
he may drag you before the judge and the judge hand you over to the
officer and the officer have you thrown into prison. 59 I tell you, you
will not get out till you have paid the very last penny.'
b) A moment of silence: Let us allow the voice of the Word to resonate within us.
a) Some questions:
- I have come to bring fire to the earth: Fire
presupposes a vehemence of sentiment and a centre of life because
where there is light, heat, force, movement, there is life. And not a
life which is stagnant, but a life which is continuously nourished.
Does the fire of the life of God burn in me?
- Why not judge for yourselves what is upright? The
invitation to discern personally is even more urgent in a world in
which opinions run after each other and form a “mass”… How much do I
allow myself to be conditioned by the judgements and criteria chosen by
- Make an effort to settle with him on the way… You
are walking to go to the tribunal because you think you are right, but
the opponent also has the same certainty. How do I feel before the one
whom I feel is hostile toward me? Do I feel sure of myself to the
point of going to the tribunal or rather do I try to agree with my
opponent on the way?
b) Detailed Analysis of the Text:
v. 49. I have come to bring fire to the earth; and how I wish it were blazing already! The
fire which is not extinguished comes from Heaven, it is the fire of
the Spirit which makes of all things that exist, the luminous and warm
expression of the divine Presence among us. The Baptism of love. The
light is born, the bread is born, the water is born, God is born! The
Cross, a new Bethlehem, House of the perfect Bread, a new Emmaus, the
hostel of the broken Bread, a new Bethany, House of the perfumed Bread
offered to men forever.
v. 50. There is a baptism I must still receive; and what constraint I am under until it is completed! Anguish,
the symptom of those fears which from within get hold of one and
disfigure, distort and leave without breath, Jesus also experienced
this. What can one do against anguish? Nothing can be done but only wait
so that what is good is fulfilled and that the fears be involved in
the event itself. Anguish clasps tightly and can demolish every
possibility of interior movement. The anguish of the one who trusts and
accepts life, even if it clasps the person tightly in a terrible vice
like grip, does not demolish, but rather fortifies in so far as it
renders the waiting free or devoid of illusions and of easy hopes.
v, 51. Do you suppose that I am here to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. Man
seeks peace. But what peace? The peace of “do not disturb me”, the
peace of “let us not make problems”, the peace of “everything is fine”, a
superficial peace. This peace is the earthly peace. Jesus has come to
bring us the true peace, the fullness of the gifts of God. This peace
then, is no longer called peace, but in so far as it is against the
apparent peace, it is called, in the eyes of man “division” It can well
be said that the peace of Christ elects or chooses and in so far as it
elects, it distinguishes, like a magnet which in a magnetic field
attracts to itself what is of the same “nature”, but it does not attract
anything which is not of a similar nature.
vv. 52-53. For
from now on, a household of five will be divided: three against two
and two against three; father opposed to son, son to father, mother to
daughter, daughter to mother, mother-in-law to daughter-in-law,
daughter-in-law to mother-in-law. Everything which divides does
not come from God, because in God there is unity. But in His name it is
possible even to go beyond the natural commandment. Honour your father and mother, says the ancient law. And the new law which is that of love without limit even goes to say: He who loves father and mother more than Me is not worthy of me. Division
is this case can be understood as the priority of love, a hierarchy of
values. To God, the source of life corresponds the first place. To the
father and the mother who have accepted, welcomed life, the second
place… such an order is in the logical nature of that order. It is not
an honour to the father and the mother to disobey God or to love Christ
less. Because the love for father and mother is a love of response, the
love of God is generating love.
vv. 54-55. He
said again to the crowds, “When you see a cloud looming up in the west
you say at once that rain is coming, and so it does. And when the wind
is from the south you say it is going to be hot, and it is. Before
reproaching the crowds, Jesus appreciates the good that they are
capable of doing. If a cloud comes from the west, it is rain that
comes. And man has this certainty as a result that he has been
observing the natural phenomena up to the point of formulating laws. If
the wind comes from the south, it will be hot. Confirmed and reflected
upon, regulates the consequences for us.
v. 56. Hypocrites!
You know how to interpret the face of the earth and the sky. How is it
you do not know how to interpret these times? Why not use the
same criteria for the events of the present moment? History speaks for
itself. Why not evaluate it on the basis of experience? The logic which
binds premises and consequences is the same one on human events and on
supernatural ones. The world of relationships, the world of religious
convictions, the world of human expectations… everything is subject to
the same law. Then, if Christ has been expected for centuries as the
fulfilment of the promises of God, and if this Jesus of Nazareth
fulfils the works of faith with the finger of God, why doubt that the
Kingdom of God has arrived? This is hypocrisy. It is not to want to
admit God’s fidelity and to insist and persist to wait for the
fulfilment of what we have seen.
v. 57. Why not judge for yourselves what is upright? What
is upright can always be judged. It does not serve to wait for the
judgement of others. And just the same, we are always bound to the
thought and the words of others, to what happens and to what is
projected, to perspectives of success and to thousands of hesitations.
To trust one’s correct judgement is wise!
v. 58. When
you are going to court with your opponent, make an effort to settle
with him on the way, or he may drag you before the judge and the judge
hand you over to the officer and the officer have you thrown into
prison. The wisdom and the judgement of Jesus are directed toward
something truly useful. Do not expect to receive justice, because no
one is just to the point of being able to avoid being condemned to
prison. We are all sinners! And therefore, instead to appealing to a
false justice, that for which you consider yourself worthy to be
absolved, better appeal to harmony. Try to reach an agreement so as not
to be led before the judge. You judge the facts and conclude that it
is always better not to feel oneself free from guilt. Saint Paul says
it: Neither do I judge myself… my judge is the Lord. Yes He…
v. 59. I tell you, you will not get out till you have paid the very last penny. Who
has no debts? Why do we want to live our life in a court to constantly
decide who is guilty and who is innocent? Would it not be better to
live simply, in agreement and harmony with everyone, since all seek to
want what is good and all have fragility and weakness as the coin with
which to pay?
c) Reflection:
If we too could bring fire to the earth
of our heart! A fire capable of extending itself without causing a
great fire, but creating cordial bonds of union and a lively exchange…
The one who plays with fire will certainly have his hands burnt, but
what a great benefit for all. Fire divides, it creates circles of
encounter and barriers of inaccessible passages. Like in all divine
things we find ourselves in at a crossroads section: with Christ or
against Him. Yes, because we must never forget that He is a sign of
contradiction for all times, a stumbling stone for those who look to
the top expecting miracles and prodigies and a corner stone for the one
who looks at His tired hands and grasps tightly the hands of a
carpenter trying to construct the house of hope , the Church. A time of
grace: How not recognize it? If you go by a lighted fire, you feel the
heat. Christ is the lighted fire or flame! If you cross a torrent
flowing with water, on a suffocating hot day of summer, you feel the
freshness and feel attracted by the movement of the water which comes
toward you to quench your thirst and to give you moments of relief. And
Christ is the water which gushes out for eternal life! If at night you
listen to the silence, you cannot but feel anxious waiting for the
light of the new day which will rise. And Christ is the Sun who rises!
It is the word which at night is silence and in the East it becomes a
syllable of a new dialogue. Why not become aware that it is just that
all hostility falls and walk with anyone recognizing him as a brother?
If you consider him an enemy, you are going to seek justice… If you
consider him as a brother, the thought comes to your mind to take care
of him and to walk together a part of the road, to share with him your
anguishes and your anxieties, and to listen to him about his
difficulties. Why do you want at all costs to pay your debt up to the
last penny?
Psalm 32
How blessed are those whose offence is forgiven,
whose sin blotted out.
How blessed are those to whom Yahweh imputes no guilt,
whose spirit harbours no deceit.
whose sin blotted out.
How blessed are those to whom Yahweh imputes no guilt,
whose spirit harbours no deceit.
I said not a word,
but my bones wasted away from groaning all the day;
day and night your hand lay heavy upon me;
my heart grew parched as stubble in summer drought.
but my bones wasted away from groaning all the day;
day and night your hand lay heavy upon me;
my heart grew parched as stubble in summer drought.
I made my sin known to you,
did not conceal my guilt.
I said, 'I shall confess my offence to Yahweh.'
And you, for your part,
took away my guilt,
forgave my sin.
did not conceal my guilt.
I said, 'I shall confess my offence to Yahweh.'
And you, for your part,
took away my guilt,
forgave my sin.
That is why each of your faithful ones
prays to you in time of distress.
Even if great floods overflow,
they will never reach your faithful.
prays to you in time of distress.
Even if great floods overflow,
they will never reach your faithful.
You are a refuge for me,
you guard me in trouble,
with songs of deliverance you surround me.
you guard me in trouble,
with songs of deliverance you surround me.
I shall instruct you
and teach you the way to go;
I shall not take my eyes off you.
and teach you the way to go;
I shall not take my eyes off you.
Be not like a horse or a mule;
that does not understand bridle or bit;
if you advance to master them,
there is no means of bringing them near.
that does not understand bridle or bit;
if you advance to master them,
there is no means of bringing them near.
Countless troubles are in store for the wicked,
but one who trusts in Yahweh
is enfolded in his faithful love.
but one who trusts in Yahweh
is enfolded in his faithful love.
Rejoice in Yahweh,
exult all you upright,
shout for joy,
you honest of heart.
exult all you upright,
shout for joy,
you honest of heart.
Lord, you who search into my heart and
make of my fears the paths to create the newness of gifts, enter into
my anguishes. There where I lose my hope and where the tremor devours
me, there where every spark of grace burns my securities and makes of
me a pile of ashes, there enkindle anew the fire of your love. Give a
look or gaze capable of penetrating reality and of fixing it on your
gaze which waits for me beyond the veil of all appearances. Do not
allow that I be driven away from my desire of communion. And also there
where in your name I would find opposition, resistance, adversity, may
be able to enter into the anguish of division to maintain alive the
flame of the encounter with you!
Reference: Courtesy of Order of Carmelites,
Featured Item of the Day from Litany Lane
Saint of the Day: Saint Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga, S.J.
Feast Day: August 13
Patron Saint: Chile, poor people, street children, social workers
Attributes: Jesuit robes, an old green van
Saint Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga, S.J. (born Luis Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga on January 22, 1901, Viña del Mar, Chile - August 18, 1952, Santiago, Chile), popularly known in Chile as Padre Hurtado (Spanish: Father Hurtado), was a Chilean Jesuit priest, lawyer, social worker and writer of Basque origin,[1] founder of the Hogar de Cristo foundation. He was canonized on October 23, 2005, by Pope Benedict XVI, becoming his country's second saint.
Thanks to a scholarship, he managed to study at the prestigious all-boys Jesuit school of St. Ignacio, Santiago (1909–17). During this time, he volunteered at the Parroquia Nuestra Señora de Andacollo, a Catholic parish and school in a poor neighborhood of Santiago.[3] At the parish and school, he assisted in the office and was librarian. From 1918 to 1923, he attended the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, studying in its law school and writing his thesis on labour law. Obligatory military service interrupted his studies, but once he fulfilled this duty he went on to earn his degree early in August 1923.
Rather than starting a career in law, Hurtado entered the Jesuit novitiate in 1923. In 1925 he went to Córdoba, Argentina, where he studied humanities. In 1927 he was sent to Barcelona, Spain to study philosophy and theology, but because of the suppression of the Jesuits in Spain in 1931, he went on to Belgium and continued his studies in theology at Louvain. He was ordained a priest there on 24 August 1933, and in 1935 obtained a doctorate in pedagogy and psychology.[2]
Right from the early days of his studies in labour law, and before
becoming a Jesuit, Hurtado had his mind and heart set on tackling social issues and problems. Before returning to Chile, he visited social and educational centers in Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
He returned to Chile in January 1936, and began his activity as professor of religion at Colegio San Ignacio and of Pedagogy at the Catholic University of Santiago. He was entrusted with the Sodality of Our Lady for the students, and he involved them in teaching catechism to the poor.[2]
There was much social inequality in Chile during this time, and conservative Catholics in the nation had difficulty accepting the Vatican's social teachings. As late as 1931, the official party organ (aligned with the church hierarchy) refused to publish Quadragesimo Anno, and when a group of clergy petitioned Archbishop José Horacio Campillo Infante to remove the editors, he refused and stated it was "necessary to protect Catholics from the imprudent acts of the pope".[4]
In 1936, he authored an article entitled The Priesthood Crisis In Chile, which addressed the problem of the shortage of priests in Chile; his analysis was criticized as 'exaggerated'.[4] He criticized the level of catechism instruction offered in Chile, and wrote that young men often signed up as catechists but lacked the necessary certificate.
In 1940, he was appointed diocesan director of the Catholic Action youth movement and the very next year, its national director (1941–1944). That same year, in 1941, Hurtado's sociology-oriented mind led to his authoring of the book Is Chile a Catholic Country?
The book published statistics revealing a lack of priests assigned to
the working class and rural populations, including detailing parishes
that had 10,000 laypeople assigned for one priest covering huge
geographic areas. His solution was to increase and better educate the
clergy, however, this never came to be. Almost half of Chile's clergy
were foreigners (including missionaries from the United States and
Canada) who did circuits of towns administering the sacraments (i.e.,
going to one town one week, then another the next week, etc.) Most
Chileans regarded devotion to the Virgin and the saints as more
important than attending Mass or consuming the Eucharist, which they
could not do regularly.[4]
In the book he published the results of a 1939 survey of Chilean religious practices and found that only 9% of Chilean women and 3.5% of Chilean men regularly attended Mass (leaving over 90% as not regularly practicing).[4] Laying open a number of unpleasant realities, the book was heavily criticised by more conservative Catholics, who even accused Hurtado of being a Communist.[5]
Keeping in mind his own origins, and ever grateful for the help he (and his family) had received when they were in great difficulties, Hurtado was led to active social involvement. His strong faith was transformed into action with his founding of an organization similar to Boys Town in the United States. His shelters, called Hogar de Cristo (Home of Christ), took in all children in need of food and shelter, abandoned or not. He also purchased a 1946 green pickup truck and monitored the streets at night to help those in need that he could reach. His own charisma brought him many collaborators and benefactors; the movement was a huge success. The shelters multiplied all over the country. It is estimated that between 1945 and 1951 more than 850,000 children received some help from the movement.[5]
One day in 1952, Father Hurtado was stricken with intense pain and rushed to hospital. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Day after day the media kept the country informed of Hurtado's state of health. Before his death he had become a national hero. True to the faith he had been professing all through his life, he accepted gracefully what was ineluctable. After a brief battle with the illness, he died in Santiago.[1]
Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga is one of the most popular and cherished saints in his country, Chile. An indication of his lasting popularity was the presence in Saint Peter's Square, on the day of Hurtado's canonization, of a very large contingent of Chilean people, led by the highest authorities of the country, starting with President Ricardo Lagos and some high-ranking Chilean politicians who actually had been Father Hurtado's students during his school teacher time, like then-Senator Gabriel Valdés.
I hold that every poor man, every vagrant, every beggar is Christ
carrying his cross. And as Christ, we must love and help him. We must
treat him as a brother, a human being like ourselves. If we were to
start a campaign of love for the poor and homeless, we would, in a short
time, do away with depressing scenes of begging, children sleeping in
doorways and women with babies in their arms fainting in our streets. St. Alberto Hurtado, SJ[6]
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Saint Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga, S.J. |
Early life and education
Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga was born in Viña del Mar, Chile, on 22 January 1901; he was orphaned when he was four years old by the death of his father. His mother had to sell, at a loss, their modest property in order to pay the family’s debts. As a further consequence, Alberto and his brother had to go to live with relatives and were often moved from one family to another.[2] From an early age, he experienced what it meant to be poor, and without a home.Thanks to a scholarship, he managed to study at the prestigious all-boys Jesuit school of St. Ignacio, Santiago (1909–17). During this time, he volunteered at the Parroquia Nuestra Señora de Andacollo, a Catholic parish and school in a poor neighborhood of Santiago.[3] At the parish and school, he assisted in the office and was librarian. From 1918 to 1923, he attended the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, studying in its law school and writing his thesis on labour law. Obligatory military service interrupted his studies, but once he fulfilled this duty he went on to earn his degree early in August 1923.
Rather than starting a career in law, Hurtado entered the Jesuit novitiate in 1923. In 1925 he went to Córdoba, Argentina, where he studied humanities. In 1927 he was sent to Barcelona, Spain to study philosophy and theology, but because of the suppression of the Jesuits in Spain in 1931, he went on to Belgium and continued his studies in theology at Louvain. He was ordained a priest there on 24 August 1933, and in 1935 obtained a doctorate in pedagogy and psychology.[2]
San Alberto Hurtado
He returned to Chile in January 1936, and began his activity as professor of religion at Colegio San Ignacio and of Pedagogy at the Catholic University of Santiago. He was entrusted with the Sodality of Our Lady for the students, and he involved them in teaching catechism to the poor.[2]
There was much social inequality in Chile during this time, and conservative Catholics in the nation had difficulty accepting the Vatican's social teachings. As late as 1931, the official party organ (aligned with the church hierarchy) refused to publish Quadragesimo Anno, and when a group of clergy petitioned Archbishop José Horacio Campillo Infante to remove the editors, he refused and stated it was "necessary to protect Catholics from the imprudent acts of the pope".[4]
In 1936, he authored an article entitled The Priesthood Crisis In Chile, which addressed the problem of the shortage of priests in Chile; his analysis was criticized as 'exaggerated'.[4] He criticized the level of catechism instruction offered in Chile, and wrote that young men often signed up as catechists but lacked the necessary certificate.
Social apostolate
Padre Hurtado
In the book he published the results of a 1939 survey of Chilean religious practices and found that only 9% of Chilean women and 3.5% of Chilean men regularly attended Mass (leaving over 90% as not regularly practicing).[4] Laying open a number of unpleasant realities, the book was heavily criticised by more conservative Catholics, who even accused Hurtado of being a Communist.[5]
Keeping in mind his own origins, and ever grateful for the help he (and his family) had received when they were in great difficulties, Hurtado was led to active social involvement. His strong faith was transformed into action with his founding of an organization similar to Boys Town in the United States. His shelters, called Hogar de Cristo (Home of Christ), took in all children in need of food and shelter, abandoned or not. He also purchased a 1946 green pickup truck and monitored the streets at night to help those in need that he could reach. His own charisma brought him many collaborators and benefactors; the movement was a huge success. The shelters multiplied all over the country. It is estimated that between 1945 and 1951 more than 850,000 children received some help from the movement.[5]
Labor movement and social doctrine of the Church
In 1947, Hurtado entered the labor movement, shepherding Chilean workers. Inspired by the social teaching of the Church he founded the Chilean Trade Union Association, meant to train leaders and instill Christian values in the labor unions of his country. For them he wrote the three books Social Humanism (1947), The Christian Social Order (1947) and Trade Unions (1950). He served as a confessor to the Falange Nacional (the precursor to the modern Christian Democratic Party). To disseminate the social teaching of the Church and help Christians reflect and act on the serious social problems faced by the country he founded in 1951 the periodical called Mensaje ("Message"). He himself published numerous articles and books on labor issues in relation to the Roman Catholic faith.[5]Death
Deeply spiritual, Hurtado was untiring in his work for the workers and the youth, combining intellectual reflection and practical actions. Ever optimistic and joyful he had also an attractive personality that brought many people to Christ and the Church, young and old, intellectuals and manual workers.[5]One day in 1952, Father Hurtado was stricken with intense pain and rushed to hospital. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Day after day the media kept the country informed of Hurtado's state of health. Before his death he had become a national hero. True to the faith he had been professing all through his life, he accepted gracefully what was ineluctable. After a brief battle with the illness, he died in Santiago.[1]
Father Hurtado was beatified on October 16, 1994, by Pope John Paul II and canonized by Pope Benedict XVI on October 23, 2005.[1] St. Alberto was one of the first people to be elevated to sainthood during the papacy of Pope Benedict XVI; he was also the second Chilean saint, after Saint Teresa of the Andes.Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga is one of the most popular and cherished saints in his country, Chile. An indication of his lasting popularity was the presence in Saint Peter's Square, on the day of Hurtado's canonization, of a very large contingent of Chilean people, led by the highest authorities of the country, starting with President Ricardo Lagos and some high-ranking Chilean politicians who actually had been Father Hurtado's students during his school teacher time, like then-Senator Gabriel Valdés.
Fr. Hurtado's memorable green pickup truck
- The "Hogar de Cristo" he founded still exists, and through its fight for social justice, it has become one of the biggest charity groups in Chile.
- There is also an avenue and the San Alberto Hurtado metro station in Santiago (the closest to his main shrine, which also houses the Hogar's headquarters) named after him.
- Alberto Hurtado University, located in Santiago and run by the Society of Jesus, preserves his name and strives to bring his legacy into contemporary education and social affairs.
- Xavier High School in New York, New York, renamed a hall (in which a soup kitchen feeds over 900 meals every Sunday) and Seattle University has a Residential Learning Community named after him.
- Jesuit High School in Portland, Oregon, opens its empty classrooms in the evenings to an ESL program called The Hurtado Center.
- Belen Jesuit High School has started the Hurtado Experience for its ninth graders, taking them on retreats to help out the needy in Miami.
- The famous Jesuit Boarding School, Clongowes Wood College, Co.Kildare. Ireland, called their Bursary Programme after him in 2007. Ten percent (10%) of the student population are educated free in the interest of the school being socially just. This is not a scholarship but a bursary for students who would benefit most from a Clongowes education in the Jesuit tradition. Currently six years in Clongowes would cost € 100800.00 ( 2011/2012 figures € 16800 per annum ).
- Chilean historian, Marciano Barrios Valdes, considered the Catholic Action movement in Chile to be what sustained the Catholic Church's continued existence in Chile into the 1960s.[4]
During the 1990s there was a short TV series dedicated to him, named "Crónica de un Hombre Santo" (English: "Chronicles of a Holy Man"). Four actors portrayed Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga, from his childhood to his last years; popular telenovela actor Cristián Campos played the adult Father Hurtado during his ministry. He remains very popular in Chile to this day. His Facebook fan page has more than 50,000 followers.[1]Main works
- ¿Es Chile un pais católico? (English: Is Chile a Catholic country?), Santiago (Chile), 1941.
- Humanismo social (English: Social humanism), Santiago (Chile), 1947.
- El orden social cristiano en los documentos de la jerarquía católica (English: Christian social order in the documents of the Catholic hierarchy), 2 vol., Santiago (Chile), 1947.
- Sindicalismo: historia-teoría-práctica (English: Syndicalism: History-Theory-Practice), Santiago (Chile), 1950.
- ^ a b c d "St. Albert Hurtado, SJ", Ignatian Spirituality, Loyola Press
- ^ a b c Biography from Vatican News Service
- ^ Hurtado, S.J., Alberto, "Cartas E Informes del Padre Alberto Hurtado, S.J.," Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2005, pp. 13-29.
- ^ a b c d e Gertrude M. Yeager. In the Absence of Priests: Young Women as Apostles to the Poor, Chile 1922-1932. The Americas, Vol. 64, No. 2 (October 2007), pp. 207-242
- ^ a b c d "Saint Alberto Hurtado", Sacred Space, The Irish Jesuits
- ^ "Christ Stumbles through Our Streets", Ignatian Spirituality
Today's Snippet I: Viña del Mar, Chile
Viña del Mar (meaning "Vineyard by the Sea"), is a city and commune on central Chile's Pacific coast. Its long stretches of white sandy beaches are a major attraction for national and international tourists. Known as "La Ciudad Jardín" ("The Garden City"), Viña del Mar is a Chilean Municipality located in the Valparaíso Region. Viña del Mar has a population of 286,931 (according to the 2002 census), it is Chile's fourth largest city. Viña del Mar is part of the Greater Valparaíso area, the country's third largest metropolitan area (pop. 803,683, 2002 census), after the Metropolitan areas of Santiago and Concepción. The Greater Valparaíso Area is home to 5 municipalities: Valparaíso, Viña del Mar, Concon, Quilpue, and Villa Alemana.[5]
The valley where Viña del Mar was founded was known as the valley of Peuco by the Changos, native inhabitants of the area dedicated to fishing. With the arrival of the Spanish conquistadores the valley was divided into two large haciendas. North of the Marga Marga creek up to the current location of Reñaca, Viña del Mar, and to the south up to the current Cerro Barón (Baron Hill), the Hacienda Las Siete Hermanas (The Seven Sisters).Francisco Javier Álvarez authorized the construction of a railroad through his lands to join Santiago and the port of Valparaíso. The arrival of the railroad brought a young engineer Jose Francisco Vergara who married Francisco Javier Álvarez’s granddaughter, Mercedes Álvarez. It was José Francisco Vergara who instigated the idea of the creation of a new city independent of Valparaíso.
The establishment of Refinadora de Azúcar de Viña del Mar (Sugar Refining Company), CRAV in 1873 and the arrival of the British company of Lever & Murphy in 1883 gave the necessary economic push to transform the young city into one of the most important cities of Chile. The building of a military installation, Regimiento Coraceros in 1917, naval facilities in Las Salinas, and the housing of military and naval personnel furthered the city's growth. That year, what had been so far a beautiful house by the sea shore became, after some rehabilitation, what is known today as Wulff Castle.[6]
In 1925, the Teatro Municipal was opened in its current location in the eastern front of the city's downtown square, Plaza de Viña del Mar. In 1928 president Carlos Ibáñez del Campo authorized the creation of a casino, securing the future and the touristic character of the city. The Casino Municipal de Viña del Mar was opened on December 31, 1930. On January 31, 1931, the Presidential Palace was inaugurated in Cerro Castillo (Castle Hill) as a summer residence for the Chilean President. The touristic character of the city was furthered with the inauguration of the O'Higgins Hotel in 1936 and the inauguration of the Miramar Hotel by Caleta Abarca Beach in 1945. For a few years in the early 1960s, a trolleybus line connected the city with Valparaíso, and the electric route network included three branches within Viña.[7]
Viña del Mar was one of the four host cities of the 1962 football (soccer) World Cup. It is now home to CD Everton, a soccer team in the Chilean Premier division, which took its name from the English team.
According to the 1982 movie, Missing and other sources, Vina Del Mar was focal point for the plotters of the 1973 Chilean coup d'état.[8]
Viña del Mar was declared a sister city of Sausalito, California (a city north of San Francisco), in 1971. To demonstrate the sister city relationship, you can find a square (plaza) called "Viña del Mar" in downtown Sausalito, and a "Sausalito" stadium and "Sausalito" lagoon in Viña del Mar. Viña del Mar is also a sister city of Mar del Plata, Argentina since 1993.
During the 1980s, a global economic downturn seriously affected the city, a number of small and medium sized factories went bankrupt, including the stationery manufacturer Coda, and most importantly, CRAV, and Textiles Viña, two of the biggest employers in the city. Unemployment rose to alarmingly high rates. Many factories started to consolidate their operations in Santiago making the situation even worse. The city has failed to fully recover from the blows inflicted by the economic downturn of 1982, but an increase in the number of international tourists visiting the city, and the recent high prices of copper in world markets have promoted an economic recovery.
Extensive commercial redevelopment in the 15 Norte Avenue area, previously an abandoned industrial area, has seen most of the large Chilean retail chains settling in the area, which is now covered with large shopping malls, like Marina Arauco, cinemas, fast food stores, and supermarkets.
The city has benefitted from major investments in infrastructure that have greatly improved the traffic flow in the downtown area, especially in routes connecting Viña del Mar with Santiago, Valparaíso and Quilpué. A modern and efficient subway (Merval) connects Viña del Mar with the cities of Limache and Valparaíso, following the original railroad tracks between Valparaíso and Santiago.
The city was affected by the February 27, 2010 earthquake.[9]
City landmarks
Visitors and locals enjoy the parks and water fountains of the city, including a large flower clock (Reloj de Flores) with its numbers made up of flowering plants, near Caleta Abarca beach. The Valparaiso Sporting Club horse racing track is another major landmark. Jardín Botánico or Parque del Salitre, a rather large botanical garden on the outskirts of the city, was originally designed and built by an entrepreneur who got rich from exploiting saltpeter resources in northern Chile.A few buildings from the 19th century still remain after multiple earthquakes that have destroyed most of the old areas of the city. Most of the older buildings that remain are located along Avenida Libertad (Liberty Avenue), Quillota Street and Quinta Vergara, a rather large park in the middle of the city. The presidential summer residence, Castillo Presidencial (Presidential Castle) is located on Cerro Castillo (Castle Hill).
The city's casino was designed with art deco style and is surrounded by well-tended gardens (hence the city's nickname). In 2002 a hotel (Hotel del Mar) was added to the 1930s building, resembling the architectural features of the original building.
Palacio Rioja, a mansion built by Fernando Rioja in 1907, located on Quillota Street, houses an environmental museum. The Fonck Museum, located in Cuatro Norte Street, has a large exhibition of pre-Columbian articles, and a large moai (Easter Island statue made of volcanic rock), the only one in mainland Chile, is also on display. Palacio Carrasco, built by Emilio Carrasco in 1912, now houses the Municipal Library and also is used for arts exhibitions. The building is also surrounded by nice gardens adorned with fine sculptures including a Rodin. Palacio Vergara located in Quinta Vergara was built by Blanca Vergara (daughter of José Francisco) in 1906 and it is now owned by the municipality. It currently houses the School of Fine Arts and has produced important Chilean artists like the painter Giancarlo Bertini.
Palacio Brunet (also known as "Castillo Yarur") was built in 1923 by Adolfo Brunet on Cerro Castillo, close to the presidential mansion. Currently it is owned by Carabineros de Chile (Chilean police) and is used as a reception center for important visitors. It was declared a national monument in 2005.
Palacio Carrasco and its surrounding park, located on Liberty Avenue #250, between 3 and 4 Norte, was completed in 1923. For years it was a private residence until it moved to the Municipality of Viña del Mar. After moving it to its current location in Arlegui street, the Palacio Carrasco became a Library Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna, public library of the commune, while working as center for events, art exhibitions, and cultural workshops. It is very important to stress that the building is totally unsuitable for use as a public library and the community needs to build a new recint for this purpose. Outside the entrance to the Palacio Carrasco there a sculpture by Auguste Rodin called "La Defensa". It was declared a National Historic Monument on September 8, 1986 under Supreme Decree No. 791.
Castillo Wulff, iconic building of the commune, of neo-Tudor style, built in 1906. Strategically located in the coastal border between the mouth of Marga Marga and Caleta Abarca (Avenida Marina N° 37). Was built by Don Gustavo Wulff Mowle (1862–1946) businessman and philanthropist of Valparaíso. The building was designed in two floors connected to a torreón through a medieval-style bridge. In 1995 it was declared a national monument, but today houses the offices of the headquarters of the Heritage Unit of the Municipality of Viña del Mar.
Numerous bars and restaurants have recently opened in the area around Plaza México and Avenida San Martín, offering Chilean and international cuisine. Seafood restaurants are located on the Camino Costero (Coast Roadway) that joins Viña del Mar and Con-Cón, a coastal town to the north.The Yacht Club de Chile is a yacht club located in Caleta Higuerillas. This club was established in Viña del Mar in 1955.
The VTR Open is a professional men's tennis tournament played yearly on outdoor red clay courts at the Club Naval de Campo Las Salinas.
The Viña del Mar International Film Festival is considered within the most important film festivals in Chile and Latin America.
Another important event is the Viña del Mar International Song Festival, held at the amphitheater located in the Quinta Vergara, one of the largest green areas of the city. The amphitheater of the Quinta Vergara was built in the 1960s.
There is also the Palacio Vergara, home to Viña's fine arts museum.
The Municipal Theatre of Viña del Mar, located in front of Plaza de Viña, is a center of cultural and artistic events of first importance in Chile. In the neighboring block is also the traditional and elegant Club de Viña, with its classical facade.
The Museum of Naval Canons is an outdoor museum, located on the road Jorge Montt (connecting Viña del Mar with the beaches of Las Salinas and Reñaca), whose beach exhibits several pieces of artillery, in front of the facilities of the Chilean Navy.
The Fonk Museum founded in 1937, it’s a varied and complete museum that’s shows objects of the native villages from Chile: Emphasizing his great cultures collection Such as Rapanui, atacameños, Diaguitas and Mapuches. In addition of a wide collection of Peruvian pre-Columbian jars. In the area of natural sciences there is a complete sample of arthropods and animals of different zones of the country.
- ^ (Spanish) "Municipality of Viña del Mar". Retrieved November 15, 2010.
- ^ (Spanish) "National Statistics Institute". Retrieved August 10, 2010.
- ^ "Chile Time". Retrieved July 26, 2010.
- ^ "Chile Summer Time". Retrieved July 26, 2010.
- ^ Chile: Ciudades, Pueblos, Aldeas y Caseríos 2005, Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas – June 2005.
- ^ paragraphs under Historia. Spanish only
- ^ The Trolleybuses of Valparaíso, Chile (detailed history). Allen Morrison. 2006. Retrieved 2011-03-14.
- ^
- ^ (French) Easy Voyage, "Le Chili 5 jours après le séisme", March 4, 2010 (accessed March 4, 2010)
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Part Three: Life in Christ
SECTION ONE: Man's Vocation Life in the Spirit
Article 2:3 Merit
1699 Life in the Holy Spirit fulfills the vocation of man (chapter one). This life is made up of divine charity and human solidarity (chapter two). It is graciously offered as salvation (chapter three).
1699 Life in the Holy Spirit fulfills the vocation of man (chapter one). This life is made up of divine charity and human solidarity (chapter two). It is graciously offered as salvation (chapter three).
Called to beatitude but wounded by sin, man stands in need of salvation from
God. Divine help comes to him in Christ through the law that guides him and the
grace that sustains him:
Work out your own salvation
with fear and trembling; for God is at work in you, both to will and to work
for his good pleasure.Phil 2:12-13
Article 2
III. Merit
You are glorified in the
assembly of your Holy Ones, for in crowning their merits you are crowning your
own gifts.Roman Missal, Prefatio I de sanctis; Qui in Sanctorum concilio
celebraris, et eorum coronando merita tua dona coronas, citing the "Doctor
of grace," St. Augustine, En. in Ps. 102, 7: PL 37, 1321-1322.
celebraris, et eorum coronando merita tua dona coronas, citing the "Doctor
of grace," St. Augustine, En. in Ps. 102, 7: PL 37, 1321-1322.
The term "merit" refers in general to the recompense owed by a
community or a society for the action of one of its members, experienced either
as beneficial or harmful, deserving reward or punishment. Merit is relative to
the virtue of justice, in conformity with the principle of equality which
governs it.
With regard to God, there is no strict right to any merit on the part of man.
Between God and us there is an immeasurable inequality, for we have received
everything from him, our Creator.
The merit of man before God in the Christian life arises from the fact that God
has freely chosen to associate man with the work of his grace. the fatherly
action of God is first on his own initiative, and then follows man's free
acting through his collaboration, so that the merit of good works is to be
attributed in the first place to the grace of God, then to the faithful. Man's
merit, moreover, itself is due to God, for his good actions proceed in Christ,
from the predispositions and assistance given by the Holy Spirit.
Filial adoption, in making us partakers by grace in the divine nature, can bestow
true merit on us as a result of God's gratuitous justice. This is our right by
grace, the full right of love, making us "co-heirs" with Christ and
worthy of obtaining "the promised inheritance of eternal
life."Council of Trent (1547): DS 1546 The merits of our good works are gifts of the divine
goodness.Council of Trent (1547): DS 1548 "Grace has gone before us; now we are given what is
due.... Our merits are God's gifts."St. Augustine, Sermo 298, 4-5: PL 38, 1367
Since the initiative belongs to God in the order of grace, no one can merit the
initial grace of forgiveness and justification, at the beginning of conversion.
Moved by the Holy Spirit and by charity, we can then merit for ourselves and
for others the graces needed for our sanctification, for the increase of grace
and charity, and for the attainment of eternal life. Even temporal goods like
health and friendship can be merited in accordance with God's wisdom. These
graces and goods are the object of Christian prayer. Prayer attends to the
grace we need for meritorious actions.
The charity of Christ is the source in us of all our merits before God. Grace,
by uniting us to Christ in active love, ensures the supernatural quality of our
acts and consequently their merit before God and before men. the saints have
always had a lively awareness that their merits were pure grace.
After earth's exile, I hope to go and enjoy you
in the fatherland, but I do not want to lay up merits for heaven. I want to
work for your love alone.... In the evening of this life, I shall appear before
you with empty hands, for I do not ask you, Lord, to count my works. All our
justice is blemished in your eyes. I wish, then, to be clothed in your own
justice and to receive from your love the eternal possession of
yourself.St. Therese of Lisieux, "Act of Offering" in Story of a
Soul, tr. John
Clarke (Washington Dc: ICS, 1981), 277.
Clarke (Washington Dc: ICS, 1981), 277.